Chapter 13

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Twenty minutes pass and nothing, I guess I'll have to be brave and ask Harry to call it. If Alexia picks up then I guess I will just ask her to give it back. Nothing to huge to deal with.

"Harry I know this is a bad idea and all but can you call my phone" I sigh and sit on the couch.

"I'll put it on speaker phone"He joins me and I nod.

The phone rings three times.

"Harry?"Alexia's voice enters the receiver.

"Is this Harry from earlier?" She continues.

"Yea, um what are you doing with Kimberly's phone?"His voice raises a little.

"Don't have to get loud, I saw her phone just sitting on top of the tv and I didn't want just anyone to steal it" What the hell, how could anyone steal it? The room is locked and the only people allowed in here are the maids, and I'm pretty sure they won't steal, if anything they would take it and give it to the teacher or the people down stairs in the main lobby.

"Well in that case can you please bring it back, she's back in her room" he says calmer than before.

"How do you know she's back in her room" she playfully taunts.

"I came to drop her off but I'm back home" he lies, I could tell that he is getting angry.

"Oh, okay I'll be there in a few, but I am going to miss talking to you Harry" As soon as those words leave her mouth I feel my bold boil..

"You know what-" I don't finish my sentence as Harry quickly places his hand over my mouth.

"Is Kimmy there?Are you lying to me Harry, I hate liars" she says with a playful tone.

I try prying Harry's hand off my mouth but it doesn't budge...

"No that's my sister, just please bring Kimberly's phone kay thanks, bye!" he hangs up.

"What was that for?"he asks right after and removes his hand.

"I'll miss talking to you harry" I mock and cross my arms.

Harry says nothing.

"She's so fake" I groan and stand up.

"Well, I don't know her, and I don't like her at all...we almost got caught" he sighs and then I sigh.

"Want me to turn on the tv?" I ask...trying to get the attention off.

"Sure" he says with no tone in his voice.

"Harry I'm sorry okay, I don't want her to.." my voice barly comes out as a whisper..I bite my bottom lip trying to hold back my tears, I don't know why I want to cry but the thought of Alexia wanting Harry just makes me sick to my stomach. Yes I cheated with her boyfriend but I didn't know what I was doing, and she knows perfectly well what shes doing.

I squint my eyes and a tears role down my cheeks.

"Please don't cry Kimberly.." Harry wipes the tear with the pad of his thumb.

"Kim, you in here?" We are interrupted by Alexia's voice and a knock at the door.

"Harry hide in the washroom, you're not here remember" I whisper and Harry does as told.

I wipe my face then turn the knob and Alexia is right there.

"Here's you're phone Kimberly,sorry I ever took it" she gives the biggest fake smile ever handing my phone.

"Thanks" I easily say. Not meaning it one bit.

"You're welcome " she says then turns on her heal and enters her room across the hall.

I go threw my phone to make sure that everything is un touched and the same as before..luckily for me everything is fine and in order.I'm just glad she didn't see that I have Zayns Number, I need to delete it as well as put a pass code.

Harry comes out of the washroom.

"Well is everything okay?"

"Yes, every thing is fine" I give a weak smile, not believing a word I'm saying.

"Well now everything is fine,you've got your phone and it's 5pm, want to come to my place for dinner?" He suggests.

"That sounds nice, will you be cooking?" I tease.

"I will,only if I get a kiss afterwards for my fabulous cooking" he chuckles and grabs my hands placing them on each side of his hips.

"Only if your cooking is good" I laugh and kiss his nose.

"It will Ms. Kimberly" he gives me a swift kiss on the cheek and I can't help but feel my cheeks heat.

"Alright let me just brush my hair then well go" I say and head to the bathroom.

"I'll wait outside" he says and walks out the door.

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