chapter 3

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  As they walked through the village, people stared at them. Especially at Rain. Some were whispering stuff. Rain noticed most of the villagers had more fancy and colorful clothes than all the villages she had seen so far. Yet, they didn't look much nicer. Also, many of the men there where good looking. Rain looked at them in a dreamy way. Jene noticed how she looked at them.

  ''What are you looking at?" Jene said. Rain looked back at Jene nervously.Jene gave Rain a scold and Rain understood the message'You're mine'.  Winter giggled. Liam did nothing. Rain soon noticed that Liam looked worried.

   '' What's wrong Liam?" Rain asked.He didn't answer and continued looking worried. Winter tapped Rain on the shoulder.

  ''Liam wasn't always a cat you know'' Winter whispered.

  ''Really? What happened?"Rain asked whispering too. Winter paused for a moment and stopped walking, then kep going. She then saw Jene was listening.

  '' Love. He fell in love with Yvette." Winter whispered,'' The day that my father ran away Yvette as a teen tried to stop him. He pushed a sword near her heart and ran away. In the morning Liam found her almost dead. Nothing would keep her from dying. Liam loved her too much and made a deal with his magic. The magic would heel Yvette but, Liam would be turned into a cat and all memories Yvette had with him would be lost.Yvette was healed. Liam left Tanzanite, and his magic left him. Now, he wants to get rid of the keekkers. He stole a little bit of Yvette's magic before he left.''.

  Winter looked at them as if she was going to cry. She shed a tear and looked down.'' He also made another deal with his get.....Yvette back. He told his magic he could have his brother too. That day his brother died. His brother was the man I loved! I loved him!".

 Winter stopped talking and started crying. Rain almost cried too. Jene just stared. Liam looked back at them as if he had heard nothing. Rain finally began to see a palace. It was pretty. Winter stopped crying. Rain grabbed her hand softly.

'' Did you not see him in heaven?" Rain asked. Winter shook her head.

'' His brother's soul was not taken by god. It was taken by Liam's magic. He was taken to a place that I have no idea what it looks like.'' Winter answered.

''What was his name?" Rain asked again. Winter smiled a little at this question.

 '' Fin " Winter answered. Rain figured question time was over. They were at the palace gate where there were more guards.

 '' Who are you?'' one of the guards asked.

 '' My name is Winter. The girl's name is Rain and the boy's name is Jene.''. Winter explained. The guard pointed at Liam.

 '' Liam'' Rain blurted. The guard looked at her strangely.

  '' That's a fancy name for a pet''

The Queen arrives: part 2 of ''Ready to eat?''Where stories live. Discover now