Chapter 10

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Walking to school Kenzie was constantly yapping about her 'lack of much needed doctor pepper'. Damion was arguing with her in vain. To shut her up he took her earphones, with a satisfied smile, he put them into his pocket. "Ill give them back at school if you be quiet untill then." Somehow that worked I made the most of her quietness. While she was quiet I began to text. As I pulled out my phone something smashed against my back. It felt like the Great Wall of China had grown legs and decided to walk into my back. I turned around hot in the face with embarrassment. Wow! Mason? 'He must work out'I thought. Then I pushed that thought from my head and smiling like a clown I made myself speak to him. After a few words everyone pretty much walked in silence. As soon as we were even in sight of the stairs I was up them like a rocket.
Kenzie and Damion had anough funny memories of me and I wasn't planning on embarrassing myself twice in frount of them in one day.
School was great. Me, Kenzie and Damion all happen to be in School Council and fortunately for us the meeting was being held today. Once a term the school council evaluates the school reward/disciplines and various other things that have been brought up and they discuss it over a full day meaning-no lessons. Skipping happily whilst singing "It's Friday, Friday." down the corridor we walk into the room. I was greeted with a smile from Mr Natanils the head teacher and I returned it sinking into a chair. The meeting began and I pulled out a book jotting down relevant information until my hand ached. At lunch we made the decision to eat in the classroom. As Kenzie said "This chair was cold I'm not leaving then having too make it warm again! This chair was nice to let me sit on it and now it is screaming for me to stay so I'm going to sorry." Damion was more than happy to stay seeing as I was outnumbered I agreed too. We are our lunch then exchanged ideas for a better school leaving out the "Free pizza machine." As Damion suggested. When the ball rang we were more than happy to be out of the building.
After school Mason met us by the lockers and walked with us again. All of us raced along the paths clutching our bags mine began to rattle as I hurried after the others. We reached Kenzie and Damion's street and they said their usual goodbye for the weekend. "Dont forget. Shopping. Teddie! Buying me dinoteddie. You promised Evie!" Damion slapped Mason's back and unzipped my bag in what he must have thought was a considerate way of saying bye I was about to tell him that I didn't agree but he was already gone out of sight. I growled in frustration. Mason just looked at me laughing so much he was hardly able to stand. "So Princess," he said in a lazy tone, "Where do you want to hang out I'm free are you?"

"The park is my place," I say, "Care to join me sir." I said in a mock posh voice and bobbing down to curtsy too.
"The park sounds okay your majesty." He replied coping my tone.
We went down the road passing my hpuse whoch showed np sign of Auntie Mia or Mum no lights were on and the driveway was empty. We got to the park and Mason ran around the park scurrying after a squirrel screeching "squibble a squibble!" At the top of his voice. A few young childern looked at Mason with faces of suprise and I hid under my hand in embarrassment but really I was hiding my laugh . Finally Mason gave up and came to stand next to me. I felt him pull my fingers apart and then his lips were pressed onto mine. Then Mason kissed my neck under my jaw line in response I pulled his chest closer to me my fingers trailing up and down his back. His fingers glided around my waist slowly; his kisses moving up towards my face he placed his hands on my hips as he did so. Down my nose he left little kisses. Then his mouth was on mine biting my lip I opened my brown eyes staring into his greeny-brown ones that weren't quite hazel. I kissed him back pressing my lips against his closing the gap between us. He bit my lip again and I pushed him away slightly. Confused he looked at me.

My voice was quiet. Our lips were still close and as I spoke they brushed against each other.
"E." He replied tilting my chin up.
I pushed him away from me. My heart fluttered quickly inside me. "Mason," I repeted louder and this time he stayed quiet nodding for me to tell him. "Do you love me Mason? Just tell me the truth." He looked at me blank for a moment then his expression unreadable.

The pause was long and I knew the truth without him having to even speak; I didn't want him to speak. I was sick of his smile and his Romeo act. The anger seemed to make my body work again furiously my hand lifted and I slapped him. The noise seemed 100 times louder as my hand made contact with his cheek.

Walking away I felt the tears in my eyes. I picked up the pace wanting to be far away. But something made me turn back it was like the little Angel in my head. I turned back fighting the eurge to run away from him. I looked at him and saw he was frozen holding his cheek but I knew the pain wasn't there on his cheek. It was in his eyes-the only way to see that the pain went deeper inside him deeper into his heart. It shocked me to see him so sad. "Broken hearts break hearts. Who broke yours Mason?" I chocked through my tears. He didn't reply he just sat down on the grass. I went and sat next to him streching my legs out in frount of me. He didn't answer my question but said, "Loving is hard. I breaks you." I pulled some grass and fiddled with the little pieces. "Not all love breaks you." I insisted.
"Prove it."
The words seemed like I had misheard it. "Pardon ?" I said confused.
"Prove it."
I stood up the grass falling from my hands.
"And how exactly to I do that?" I ask. Confused and angry one minute he is acting like he doesn't want to live me and the next he's asking for me to prove loving doesn't break you.
"You love me. In 21 days" He says shrugging like it is that easy.
I realise I'm as stupid as him do I want to love him?
"Why? Why 21?" I question.
"You are as broken as me and you want to be fixed and prove how easy love can be,"He says reading my emotions better that I could. "And 21 is a nice number."
"Fine, challenge excepted. " I say.
Mason talkes hold of my wrist and I twist my hand so we're holding hands and interlace our fingers.

"Lesson one; let you're heart speak, FairyGodmother."

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I like this chapter😂
*Ninja face*

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