The Dream You Didn't Want

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After spending most of your day recuperating in your own apartment, catching up on YouTube and guzzling water, you decide it was time to head off to bed.

“Your daily horoscope is just a click away!” catches your eye, and you decide to click on it.

“Pick your sign and then submit” it reads, you comply and click submit.

The energy today means you'll feel on top of the world. You may need to keep an eye out for exhaustion. You have to know when to quit for the day. Save some of that energy for us.

The web page closes out. ‘What is that supposed to mean…?’ You furrow your brow in question.

That tonight’s dreams will be very pleasant,’ your other side says, a bit aggravated, ‘now stop asking questions and shove off to bed.

You feel yourself about to shout in anger, but hear mumbling from the wall. You get up and go to bed, almost automatically passing out. In the last few seconds before you drift off, you hear slight movement, and a malicious laugh.

You awake in an almost instant matter, surrounded by darkness. “I haven’t had a dream since…” you trail off, not wanting to remember.

“No, mom!” you shout, shocked from the sight of her limp body on the ground. You look at the figure standing beside her, who is brandishing a wide smile. You turn and run down the hall, heading up the stair well. Reaching the roof escape, you stumble out onto the roof, breathing heavily. The figure has been behind you the entire time, murmuring in tongues. Stopping at the edge of the building you turn, the figure catching you by the throat. It brings its hand to your face, and disappears. The building crumbles from beneath you. You sit up, covered in sweat… you were only 7.

You try your hardest to shut out the memories, but they flood over.

“What are you doing here at this hour?” A familiar male voice breaks your from your dreaming breakdown.

“I wanted to see you, tell you I remember that… kiss.” That was your voice, but not. You turn to see Mark and… yourself standing in the midst of the darkness. The person resembling you closes that gap between them, pulling him into a hug. He seems pretty shocked and doesn’t return it.

“I… want to become one with you,” it says shyly, though it holds the same wide grin as that nightmare. It looks up to Mark, its voice somewhat changing, doubling. “Come” it says, leaning in to kiss him.

“No!” you shout out, but neither of them acknowledges you. As soon as their lips connect, Marks body crumples to the ground and the imposter disappears. You fall to your knees, feeling tears start to trickle down your face.

Shaking, voice quivering, you say, "Why? Why after all this time did you come back?"

"Oh, my dear..." You hear Mark groan and you look up as he starts to stand up right, shaking his head. A wave of relief falls over you, but soon disappears as he looks to you, a wide grin upon his face. "I never left."

Just A Step Away ( Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now