Clean Up

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The rest all became a blur. I remember colliding with the entity, and dealing a few blows, but receiving more.

When I awoke to (f/n)’s crying face, I assumed I knew who had won. I reached my hand up to her, wiping her tears away.

“Come on, now,” I smile at her, my body feeling lethargic, “don’t make more of these kinds of memories for me. Smile.”

Her lips quiver as she forces a smile on her face.

Your POV

“Smile,” he says weakly, smiling at you.

You try your best to force out a smile, still shaking from the event that just happened. He sits up, holding his head.

“Is your leg alright?” He asks, concerned.

You had almost forgotten about it. You look over to it, seeing a portion of the couch now soaked, a dull pain pulsing in your leg.

“I… I think I’m okay.”

He gets up and stumbles to the bathroom, coming out with a first aid kit.

“Can you lift it onto my lap?”

You comply, gritting your teeth as you lift it and set it on his knees. He begins to clean up the cut and apply antiseptic, then wrap it. You look at his neck, which he cleaned up and placed a large band-aid on, then to your hand, covered in blood. You could feel nausea build in the pit of your stomach, but you swallow it down.

“There,” he says, clipping the bandage closed with the fasteners and keeping his eyes cast downwards, “… I don’t know how long I can keep this up, my whole body is sore.”

He grabs your hand and a wet nap from kit, starting to clean it up as well. He softly caresses your hand as the cool wipe rubs off the dried blood. He heaves a sigh, his breath chilling your hand even more, you shiver. He cracks a smile, lifting you hand up to inspect it, making sure he got all the blood.

“All done,” he says, looking up to you, still holding your hand in his. You lightly blush, averting your gaze.

A heartfelt moment after major conflict? What is this, a fan fiction?’ You mentally laugh to yourself.

He raises an eyebrow, seeing the amusement in your eyes. He blows more air down on your hand, making you shiver once more, and your blush deepen. He chuckles, lifting you hand to his mouth, placing a kiss on the back of it, then letting go of it. He lies back, tucking his hand behind his head. You bite your lip in frustration, wanting things to be like they were. But that wasn’t him.

You sigh and search for your phone, the smile falling from your lips, “I’m going to go get changed and call my mother,” you find your phone wedged between the cushions of the couch, “… I need you to be there.”

He furrows his eyebrows, “I’m so sore…” he whines.

You pat his leg and carefully get up, “Then we can walk each other over, come on.”

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