Please, Don't Show Up

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I could see a hint of disappointment as she grabbed my hand and got up. I ran my fingers through my hair, clearing my throat.

"I got a lot of videos to make before the trip."

She smiles at me, "Right. I've got to pack anyways," but her eyes still show a lingering want.

We awkwardly hug goodbye and she returns to her apartment.

"Okay, you, I'm already tired of you, don't go ruining moments for me," I quietly say to myself.

'Well, I just thought it was important for you to know.'

"It wasn't..." you argue, but still feel a blush on your cheeks.

'You dog!' It says playfully, 'You want memories with her, but could you handle the ones you've already made?' It snickers, 'I've got some memories from her mind, if you'd like me to show you.'

"What are you- OH. GOD." I say, cut off from an image of (f/n) standing in front of a mirror, in her bra and panties. I start to feel a bit dizzy, the heat on my face increasing... and the feeling of blood going elsewhere.

"D-don't EVER do that."

The voice laughs, 'Just embrace it, she's already crazy for you.'

Your POV

You close the door behind you and huff out a sigh.

'Why didn't he...' You furiously shake your head, knowing well that you should be focused on the trip and what it entails more than furthering a relationship with Mark.

"OH. GOD... D-don't EVER do that," you hear from the other side of the wall, pursing your lips, thinking about what he could have meant by that.

You sigh once more, and look to the calendar.

'Today's the 23rd... I really should try to go out and get him something...'

You make yourself half of a peanut butter and honey sandwich and leave, heading off to the mall.

Marks POV

I pull off the beard and hat, finishing up my gameplay for a few "Happy Wheels Highlights". I retrieve my phone from the desk and looking over her contact information, debating on whether I wanted her to come over or not. My body has a tingling sensation wave through it, my hands composing a text.

"Crap, crap... I thought this was under control!"

'She gave you a children's dose of medicine. You really thought it would subdue me for long? There,' it says as the text is finished off.

'Hello, babeh. Sorry about earlier, why don't you come over tonight and we can continue where we left off?'

"... You realize she would never fall for that."

'Hey, look, all I have to go off of is your stupid videos that she watches religiously. Shame I don't have anything in your memories to use, well, that at least worked.' It says, a sarcastic tone to it's voice.

It forces me to send the message off, turn off the phone and chuck it out a window.

"Are you f**king kidding me?!" I shout.

Your POV

You begin ascending the steps, clutching a few bags to your chest.

'I hope he like what I got him...'

You hear your phone chime and you stop on one of the landings, digging in your pocket and bringing it out. You read over the message and blush. You quickly type out your own text.

'Uhm, what the heck? You drunk again?'

You look it over, deciding to delete it; you would just ask him after you wrapped his gifts.

Reaching your apartment, you quickly retreat inside, half because of the message earlier, and half because you had his unwrapped presents with you.

You smile as you fold the wrapping paper over the Walking Dead bobble head and miniture figurine, which you hoped was the one that popped in half. You box up the shirt you found, surprised by how accurately it described him, reading off 'I BREATH HORROR'.

You place the gifts next to a rinky-dink three foot tree that your mother sent off with you in the move, and go on to brush your hair and put light make-up on.

'What am I expecting?' You think, lowering your eyeliner from your eye, noticing you were over doing it.

Marks POV

'Right foot, left foot...' It happily sings as my legs shakily move. 

I was slowly losing control. I end up in the bathroom, leaning towards my reflection in the mirror, a twitching wide grin on my face.

'I wish I could control this smile of mine,' it says, chuckling, 'but when I think about tricking her, I lose control.'

My face contorts to a disapproving one, an expression I wanted.

"We both know I can beat you," my voice comes out.

'Psh, I just let you win,' I hear the neighboring door close, a sign that she was home, 'Let's make some new memories. Don't worry, I'll let you see everything through your own eyes this time. If I separate you like last time, she might realize sooner.'

I involuntarily push away from the counter and walk out to the living room, taking a seat on the couch, much more fluid than earlier.

"She won't come," I say, but there is a hint of worry in my voice.

'Shush, she will... I can feel it. I bet she's making herself all pretty as we speak. Whether you realize it or not, she totes wants you.' it pauses, 'Oh, god, now I sound like you,' it says regretfully.

I clear my throat, but wonder why, until I hear a knock at my door and my voice escape my lips, "Now, where were we?"

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