He's Not Okay

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Tears silently slip down your face as you say goodbye to Elena and hang up the phone. You cradle your face in your hands, letting all the information sink in.

“The prescription the doctor gave you… It wasn’t a high enough dosage,” Elena continues, “the medication was still in development and you were too young.”

You jump as you hear a knocking from the other side of the wall, approaching the front door. You wipe your tears away and pick up a few things. His door opens and he steps over to yours, knocking loudly.

You answer the door and smile at him, trying to forget the fact your eyes were red. “Hey, what’s up?”

He raises an eyebrow, but soon smiles a big goofy grin, grabbing your arm, and pulling you over to his place.

“I’m done recording, come drink with me,” he slurs.

You roll your eyes and give slight resistance,

“Mark, I have work tomorrow,” you tug away, “plus, you…” you stop and look away.

“I, what?” his voice sounding strangely sober, “hey, look at me.”

You look up, instantly busting out in laughter at the silly face he’s giving you.

“Jeez, man” you say in between laughs, he smiles and turns to enter the kitchen.

You sigh and sit down on his couch, a slight rattle coming from your pocket. You reach your hand in and gulp, fiddling with the prescription bottle.

“If she ever gets… that look on her face… force two of her pills down her throat.”

Removing your hand as Mark walks back in, you smile. He hands you a strange green drink, to which you raise an eyebrow at.

“I don’t know how it gets that color, so don’t ask,” he chuckles.

You watch him take a few sips, making sure before you take one yourself. The moment it reaches your tongue, all you can taste is bitterness. Still, you drink some down and blame the taste on cheap liqour. He removes the glass from your hands, setting it down on the side table, and yanks you over to him. You try to sit back up, but find your body is going numb. You shiver as he traces his hand down your side, then into your pocket, pulling out the bottle. He laughs a bit, leaning over to look you in the face.

“So close…”

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