So it's Thursday and no sign of her....imma cry. She wouldn't want me to so I guess I won't. You know what whatever I sent her like no exactly 36 messages. 3 of them are songs. Yes all love songs cause I'm romantic like dat. Meh got bored and drew dat lol I was gonna add a rose but I kept messing the rose up. Okay so my brother randomly came and like always it was quite then he randomly gave me $20. So I can get headphones again. Imma save up for. Oh my I love The Ellen Show she's awsom! Mmm yeah so im not sure.....omg haha I hate when people say that your to young to know who you are whale guess what I'm a lesbian never will I fall in love with a guy so shut the fuck up and leave me the fuck alone. Damn I know who I am don't try to tell me I don't. Plus it's better to know who I am they to not. Stop being a little coward and let me be me and I know who exactly I am. Ugh they pissed me off sorry. Okay so yeah im calm I guess. Like I was talking to my aunt about me and my best friends YouTube channel and my cousin decided to day oh yeah I watched it and it says bisexual vest it said Homosexually best friends and then I'm like no cause I'm a lesbian and my uncle was like you don't know who you are and I shut my mouth so i didn't say anything evil like I am awwe look they apologized....ugh I hate this. BABY COME bored and really hungry I can't take a nap so yeah.