well thats a bit of a slap in the face.

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I wrote the lyrics to the song just for this storyXD

and i decided on Haydens POV

Haydens POV:

I didnt mean anything i had said to her.

Its been almost two weeks and we havent heard anything from her

Im starting to worry.

I know she tried to fight him back but i was so mad.

"Hey Alpha Sarvosa wanna hit a new club with me tonight. Its only been open a month and i need a wing man?"

Me and Jack had become closer he wasnt so hostile towards his sister but he still didnt like her.

It pisses me off to no end but i might as well go out.

"sure dude let me get ready"

"We leave in fifteen Hayden."

When we got in the car it was a short ride. It was some unknown club that you have to be a werewolf to get into.

Its pretty much a bunch of unmated females and unmated males. Oh the joy.

I saw the bouncer he just smiled,"welcome to the fullmoon caberet."

We walked in and took our seats because the show was about to begin.

Some guy that almost could have resembled a mime walked on stage.

"Ladies and Gentle wolves i welcome you to the full moon cabaret."

He raised his hands and the dark purple velvet curtain raised.

I stoped paying attention i had my eyes closed when i heard a melodic voice.

"Do you know, whoa ohhhh,

what your love has done to me."

Then the band started a bum badum blues feeling.

"I should have told you,

but i was too blind to see,

theres so whoa oh oh,

much pain in my heart,

its been tearing at me from the start."

This voice was so familiar all i could do was listen.

"You see me smile,

you see me laugh,

It pains me so much i wont last,

I cant feel and i cant breathe,

all because you'll akways hate me."

This person was hurting so bad. Who would do that to someone. I still couldnt open my eyes. The blues of this song pretty much consumed me.

"All the pain wont reside,

im counting the days and all the time,

lifes so dull

so i'll dance until your mine. whoa ohhhhh whoa ohh"

the song finshed with a final bum badum and i looked up.

I saw my thea bear only she wasnt my thea bear her blue green eyes were now a dull grey color. Her hair was black and curled. She was wearing a black lace corest with shorts that are better known as underware. She was under weight. I could practically see her ribs.

I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Holy shit dude is that my lil sis she looks like shit!"

I couldnt talk i couldnt think. I went looking for the manager.

I saw thea waiting tables and some guy grabbed her arm and tried getting her on his lap.

I was getting soo mad actually furious was more like it.

I ripped the guys hand away,"If you want a lap dance, then go find a strip club"

The owner saw me and walked over,"Douche bag out! You with the green eyes come with me."

I fallowed her and we went into a smokey office.

"Are you the reason she looks like shit?"

"Yes maam i think that song was about me."

"Well mr. green eyes if you are Hayden it is. If you are hayden take her away from here. She is only more depressed."

I nodded at the manager and walked out. I grabbed thea with one hand and jack with the other i pushed them in the car and headed home.

By the time we got home thea was shaking because her attire was barely anything. I thought it was hot but not under the circumstances.

Thank god my parents went home.

She walked inside and went up the stairs and into her room. I heard the door lock. She never used her locks.

I was worried about her. She is still my beta. I couldnt replace her.

I loved her more than i did anything else. And i hurt her.

Two weeks later.

She still wont come out of that room. The showers on all the time and i swear i hear crying. She never eats never sleeps shes never going to survive.

I couldnt take it anymore.

"Thea open this damn door now or im breaking it."

No answer.

"Thea I am not kidding"

Still no answer and now i was getting worried she never ignored me this long.

I hit her door and it broke open.

I heard the shower running so i ran into the bathroom.

Thea was sitting there holding her knees to her chest. She was just staring at her feet she looked terrible. If she wasnt a wolf she wouldnt have survived.

I picked her up and set her on the bed she went back to sitting in the same position.

"Thea look im sorry and your are still my beta please forgive me?"

She wouldnt look at me and i lost my patience i was worried and upset at the same time.

"Damn it thea would you just look at me!?"

She jumped

Then she glared, good the old thea was back.

"Do not give me your shit Hayden Rylan Sarvosa! I have been through hell the last few weeks all because i didnt get to say i loved you before you threw me away like everyone else does!"

"You love me?" I was so amazed i couldnt even shut my mouth.


I walked up to her a grabbed her in my arms. "I love you too Thea Bear"

"Good now get out hayde."

Wait what did she just say!?

Rejected by my jerkface mate.Where stories live. Discover now