Chapter 3

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"Hi Dende!"

"Hello Gohan, how are you?"

"I'm fine. How's the new job coming along?"

"Just great, I think I'm getting the hang of it now. Mr Popo's been a great help. So how is your training? Are you learning a lot?"

"I sure am, Trunks is teaching me heaps." Gohan gave Dende a cheeky wink. The young Namek just looked perplexed, but as he opened his mouth to ask what the gesture meant, Gohan waved a hand dismissively and said, "Don't worry, it's no matter."

"Hi Gohan, hi Dende!"

The part-Saiyan and the Guardian of Earth looked up to find two figures approaching them - Goku and Vegeta. The two pureblood Saiyans walked straight up to the children, one with his perpetual cheery smile, the other wearing his ever-present scowl. Gohan found himself amazed again by how different the last two survivors of the Saiyan race were.

As they came up, Dende smiled at the man who'd brought him to the planet he was now guardian of. "Hello, Goku."

"Hey, Vegeta and I were just going to go into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, if that's okay," said Gohan's dad. "We want to do a bit more training before the Cell Games."

"Of course, that's fine," said Dende. He led the three Saiyans (Gohan tagged along) to the door of the Chamber. Mr Popo was just outside, having been cleaning the room. He looked up as the quartet approached him.

"Hello everyone," he said. "You wish to enter the Chamber again?"

"Sure do," said Goku. "Come on, Vegeta, let's go in."

"Good, now I'll be able to do some real training," said the prince, the first time he'd spoken. He stalked past Mr Popo to disappear inside the room ahead of Goku. The younger pureblood lagged behind for a moment to ruffle Gohan's hair. "I'll see you in a year, son," he grinned, and followed Vegeta inside.

When the door closed behind his father, Gohan immediately deserted Dende and Mr Popo and ran to find Trunks. An opportunity had arisen - for a whole day, he and the teenager would be practically alone in the Lookout, and Gohan intended to make the most of that time to continue with his plan. Trunks would be his before their fathers came out of the Chamber, he was certain.


Two and a half hours later, everything was going according to plan. After several long rounds of intensive sparring, Gohan had quickly taken a shower and now Trunks was having his turn. They had bathed separately because Gohan had already tried that approach and it unfortunately didn't work. He knew perfectly well why Trunks had left their bath early, and was quite annoyed when the teen refused to be honest with him. Gohan was also annoyed that Trunks had left the bath at all. He'd been having fun...

Anyway, to sum up, while Trunks was in the shower, Gohan hurriedly dried and dressed, and raced outside to pick the most perfect flower he could find. Within a few seconds, he'd spotted a tulip the exact shade of Trunks' eyes. *Fig jam* thought Gohan smugly, and sprinted back inside to give the flower to Trunks as soon as he got out of the bathroom.

(A/N: 'Fig jam' means 'F*** I'm Good, Just Ask Me'. A little crude for an 11-year-old, maybe, but this is an 11-year-old who's trying to seduce a teenager, remember.)

When Trunks came out of the bathroom he was wearing nothing more than a towel around his waist and his still-damp hair was half-tied at the back as usual. Gohan, while drooling mentally, suppressed an outward grin as thoughts of removing that towel invaded his head, and the young demi-Saiyan bounced over to present his flower to the startled teenager.

"Hi, Trunks. I picked this for you cos it matches your eyes," he said proudly, offering the sapphire blue-crowned stem. Trunks accepted it, a smile curving his lips but the beginnings of confusion in his face.

"Thanks, Gohan," he said, a little cautiously, and smelled the flower politely. "It smells nice."

Gohan beamed. "I'm glad you like it," he said happily, and bounced away again, leaving a perplexed Trunks behind him.

Trunks sniffed the flower again as he watched his friend leave. He wasn't entirely convinced that the scent he had detected a moment ago was due to the bloom in his hand - it had smelled distinctly like pheromones. But Trunks had only encountered that particular aroma once before, when his parents (in this timeline) were flirting with each other. Gohan was little young to be generating ~those~ sorts of pheromones.

Abruptly Trunks wondered if Gohan could detect pheromones, too. He ~was~ half-Saiyan like Trunks, so by rights he should be able to. Or maybe it was an ability that was only developed in adolescence? Trunks hoped it was so. It worried him as he began thinking of the kinds of scents he might be emitting, himself. It was a miracle that Goku and Vegeta had never picked up on it. With the two purebloods in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber it was a relief for Trunks not to worry, for a day at least, about being found out by his pheromones. Much as Trunks loved his father, it was stressful having him around when there was the possibility that his Saiyan instincts might pick up on his son's attraction to 'Kakkarot's brat'.

Trunks sat down on his bed, trying to convince himself not to think of Gohan this way when the boy hadn't even started puberty yet. But, as ever, his heart refused to listen to him and he found his eyes sliding wistfully to Gohan's empty bed. Everything Gohan did endeared him to Trunks more and more. He was so pure of heart, so extremely cute, so sweet and adorable ... Trunks looked at the perfect little flower in his hands and sighed longingly. He would treasure this gift always, he knew.

Suddenly very tired, Trunks put the tulip on the bedside table, right beside a photo Bulma had taken. It had been shot a few days ago, just before the four Saiyans left for Kami's Lookout to do some more training for the Cell Games, and showed Gohan, perched on his father's shoulder, the two of them waving enthusiastically. Vegeta, a few feet beyond them, was half-turned away, but there was an almost-invisible smirk on his face. Trunks was in the frame too, standing beside Goku having just ducked, laughing, to dodge the arm with which Goku was waving at Bulma.

It was a great picture of the four of them, and made Trunks smile fondly as he changed into his boxers. (A/N: hehe, Trunks in trunks ... *droolz* ... Trunks ~without~ trunks ... *faints*)

Stretching lazily, the purple-haired teenager fell back against the pillows and began the arduous task of getting to sleep.

Within ten minutes he was out like a light.


Gohan crept into the room the minute he sensed Trunks fall asleep. He would let Trunks have no illusions about his feelings ~this~ time. Determinedly, he crawled into bed with his friend, snuggling up against the snoozing form and planting a kiss on Trunks' cheek. He was rather disappointed when the teenager didn't wake up, and reluctantly decided to let him rest. When Trunks awoke, then things would get interesting.


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