Chapter 27

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You stopped and smile at me, asked me if I’d care to dance
I fell into your open arms and I didn’t stand a chance

“I don’t see why you get to lead.”

“Because it’s a man’s job. It’s always the male who leads, that’s just the way it goes.”

“Newsflash, Gohan — I’m not a girl!”

“You look like one. Close enough, I say.”

Mirai growled. “Don’t you ever get tired of that joke?” he demanded.

“Nope,” Gohan replied cheerfully. “Besides, it’s your own fault for having hair that long. And purple, too. What am I supposed to think?”

“That I’m gay, obviously.”

“But you don’t take that as an insult, so what’s the use of it?”

“…I hate you.”

“You love me.”


Gohan grinned. As he and Mirai circled the dancefloor, moving effortlessly in time with the music and each other, the other boy matched his smile, deep blue eyes shining for him, and Gohan felt as if he could burst into song, or just burst, at any moment.

He was happy. Happy that Mirai was at last in his arms where he belonged, happy that the awkward nervousness between them had disappeared, happy that they could touch, and laugh, and embrace as naturally and comfortably as breathing. The fact that Mirai was there with him, able to hold and be held any time they wanted, as close as he needed him to be, seemed to Gohan to be the most precious thing in the world. He couldn’t understand how he’d ever lived without Mirai’s hand in his own.

“I love you,” he whispered, his eyelids closing, “so, so much…” He nestled his chin in the crook of the other part-Saiyan’s shoulder, drawing him closer with one arm around a slim waist.

“I know,” said Mirai, and kissed his cheek.

As they song finished, the two came slowly to a halt, savouring for a moment the closeness between them. A lingering silence fell through the hall as everyone present sensed the sanctity of what the two men had just shared, and barely moved lest the slightest sound intrude on the beauty of the moment. Light played slowly across their serene features as Gohan and Mirai let stillness envelope them.

A soft chord stole unobtrusively through the hall. With a feeling like someone letting out a long-held breath, the people whose attention had for the last few minutes been seared to the pair of demi-Saiyans began to talk amongst themselves. As the band began to play again, a quiet tune after the heightened emotion of the previous song, a low familiar buzz of conversation curled like smoke around the grouped tables and normality was slowly restored.

Now listen honey, I just wanna be beside you everywhere
As long as we’re together honey I don’t care

“You dance even better than you sing,” murmured Gohan.

“I hope that was a compliment,” Mirai returned. “Sarcasm doesn’t become you, Gohan.” His eyes sparkled.

The dark teenager chuckled. “Yes, that was a compliment,” he assured the lavender-haired demi. Smiling, he took Mirai’s hand. “Come on, it’s time to face the music. We should at least pretend that what other people think matters to us.”

Blanching slightly as he anticipated likely reactions, Mirai let himself be led from the dance floor. However, before they reached the place where their families sat, a raven-haired whirlwind hurled itself in their direction and glomped both of them in one hit. Mirai and Gohan staggered.

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