Chapter 5

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Sudden excitement..


If he hadn’t just woken up after a six-hour nap, Trunks might have been tempted to drift off to sleep; he was feeling so overwhelmingly comfortable and content that to fall back into the relaxation and security of sleep seemed natural. But having Gohan wrapped in his arms was a situation much too precious to waste an instant of it. He stayed awake to savour every moment.

Apparently Gohan felt the same – Trunks could sense the younger boy’s happiness. “I’m so glad you believe me, Trunks,” said Gohan. He shifted so Trunks was spooning him and cuddled even closer, as if he was trying to get inside the teenager’s skin. The young demi-Saiyan sighed blissfully. “I love you, Trunks,” he murmured.

The lavender-haired part-human’s breath caught in his throat and he felt tears beginning behind his eyes. “I love you, too,” he whispered, “and I’ve wished to hear you say that for so long.” He dashed the moisture from his eyes and Gohan caught his hand, kissing away the salty dampness. The boy then wrapped himself up in the arm again, so Trunks’ hand now encircled his love’s waist. But a moment later Gohan was moving his arm again so the teenager was touching him through his boxer shorts. Trunks gave a startled exclamation and pulled his hand away, but Gohan held onto it firmly.

“Come on, Trunks,” he pleased, twisting his upper body so he could look his bedmate in the eye. “Do this for me? Please?” He gave Trunks the puppy-dog look he’d perfected long ago and reserved especially for him, knowing the teenager couldn’t resist it.

“Well … okay, if you really want me to…” Like putty in Gohan’s hands, Trunks let the boy draw his hand down to stroke the lump in his boxers. At his love’s low hum of delight, he became slightly bolder and removed the satin pyjama bottoms. Gently, cautiously, he encircled the firm shaft, and began to slowly move his hand up and down the length, now tightening his grip, now loosening. He ran delicate fingers over the tip, teasing, coaxing, and a strange sound reached his ears. Gohan was purring.

There was a musical note to the soft rumble coming from the boy’s chest. The adorable expression of his beloved’s delight fascinated Trunks, appealed to him, and he began moving his hand faster to prompt an intensifying of the sound. Trunks could feel the vibrations through the demi-Saiyan’s body, the combination of purring and trembling making the boy shudder like he had a chill. His hands were almost tearing the bed sheets, alternately clenching and relaxing as ardour pulses through his veins, and beads of sweat were forming on his face. The sea-green eyes were squeezed shut and Gohan squirmed wildly, crying out. He doubled up, groaning, as white liquid splattered into Trunks’ hand. The teenager continued slowly stroking for several minutes as Gohan’s ragged breathing returned to normal and he blinked, opening his eyes.

A deep sigh left his and the eleven-year-old turned an adoring look on Trunks, eyes shining. “Thankyou,” he smiled. He wrapped his arms around the older boy’s neck and pinned him on his back, kissing him passionately. His small tongue seemed determined to explore every single inch of Trunks’ larger mouth. The teenager could feel Gohan’s heart racing through the boy’s chest on his and butterflies began to take wing in his stomach. After a long moment Gohan broke the kiss and smiled down at him. “You taste nice, Trunks,” he grinned, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. Trunks regarded the boy with a cautious look. When Gohan spoke again his suspicions weren’t proved baseless. The younger half-Saiyan brought his face to within an inch of Trunks’ and whispered playfully, “But I bet you taste nicer down here.” Before the teenager could react, Gohan dived down and was nuzzling him between the thighs.

Trunks’ shocked cry was cut off by a harsh groan as he suddenly felt his boxers become tight. Drawing shallow breaths, trembling all over, he tried to speak, to protest, but by now Gohan was stripping him and preparing to take Trunks’ length into his mouth. Desperately the teenager caught Gohan’s face in his hands, tilting the boy’s gaze upward to meet his.

“Gohan,” he croaked. He cleared his throat and tried again. “Gohan,” he repeated, his voice calmer. “I don’t want to rush you. You don’t have to do … that … for me if you don’t want to.” His body raged at him for not taking advantage of the opportunity, but he ignored it.

“But I ~do~ want to, Trunks,” said Gohan, softly and seriously. “I love you.”

Trunks’ throat tightened at the emotion the boy was showing him. “I know you do,” he murmured. “But I’d hate myself if I pressured you.”

“You’re not,” the younger part-Saiyan said firmly. “This is something I’d really like to do for you.”

“Only if you’re sure,” said Trunks warningly. At his love’s emphatic nod, he released him and a second later his head dropped back on the bed as supreme pleasure overwhelmed his senses.

The gasping cries Trunks made were extremely gratifying to Gohan’s ears as he sucked firmly on the throbbing length. Experimentally he grazed the tip with his teeth and again Trunks’ response told him that whatever he was doing, it was having the desired effect. He was pleased with his own success; after all, he’d never done anything remotely like this before. It was good to know that Trunks liked it. Very carefully, Gohan deep-throated him. Before he’d only managed to take half of it into his mouth but now he was swallowing the entire organ. Gohan could feel the teenager straining against an urge to push his hips forward and was glad his crush held back. He was already close to gagging. Any movement from Trunks and he wouldn’t be able to breathe.

Gohan lifted his head, releasing the older boy’s member before quickly deep- throating it again, pumping the shaft while it’s owner moaned in pleasure. Trunks’ voice was steadily rising until suddenly he face a hoarse cry. Thick, creamy fluid shot into Gohan’s mouth, spilling down his throat as he swallowed. He heard Trunks purring and lifted his head.

Trunks’ lavender hair was plastered to his face with sweat and there seemed to be a haze over the clear blue of his eyes. His chest was heaving as he fought to get air in his lungs and wordlessly he reached for Gohan to draw the younger boy into a hug. The skin of both was slippery with perspiration. Still somewhat weakened from his climax, Trunks dragged a blanket over and wrapped it snugly around the two of them as Gohan burrowed into his chest. The teenager sighed delightedly and nuzzled the top of Gohan’s head, inhaling the scent of his hair. Playfully, the young half- Saiyan poked Trunks in the ribs.

Being extremely ticklish, he reacted immediately. With a startled yelp, he twisted violently, entangling the two of them in the blanket as a madly grinning Gohan continued to provoke him. Writhing and giggling childishly, Trunks rolled over, trying hopelessly to escape the blanket that bound him to his tormentor. Eventually he rolled right off the bed, landing on the floor with a thud and lying where he was, laughing helplessly as Gohan mercilessly tickled him. But when tears started streaming down his face, the eleven-year-old finally ceased his cruelty.

“You’re horrible!” gasped Trunks, but he was unable to keep a straight face.

“Yeah, I know,” agreed Gohan smugly. He smirked at the teenager beneath him and said, “So, you liked it?”

Trunks spluttered incoherently, but Gohan understood enough to realise the indignant nature of his denials.

“No, not that,” he giggled. He waited until Trunks had calmed down before he said shyly, “I meant, did you like it when I … went down on you?”

A warm smile softened the purple-haired Saiyan’s face and he hugged his beloved close to him. “Of course I liked it, Gohan. I love everything you do.” He planted a kiss on the younger boy’s forehead. “Just as I love you.” A musical rumble and the vibrations that ran through the small body in his arms informed him that Gohan was purring again.

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