Chapter 24

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Ooh baby love, my baby love
I need you, oh how I need you
But all you do is treat me bad
Break my heart and leave me sad

There was a distinct silence between the two demi-Saiyans as they walked down the street together. It sat there like an invisible wall, magnifying the inches between them into yards. It was the silence that hung heavily between two people when each had a thousand things to say and no idea how to say them. It was a perceptible thickening of the air, a dozen loaded questions and pregnant statements unspoken, a hundred pauses and glances and silent pleas just waiting to become real.

Videl had kissed Gohan goodnight. While Mirai waited on the lip of the porch, she'd smiled at Gohan, thanked him for a lovely time, ignored the fact that it was Mirai who'd gotten the tickets in the first place, and then stood on tiptoes to plant one on his cheek.

The violet-eyed girl's affection had had powerful repercussions on both part-Saiyans. Mirai had felt the now-familiar jolt of envy attacking his heart and intensifying the discomfort he already felt as a third wheel. Despite his frequent attempts to convince himself that Videl was no obstacle to true love, even his determination was susceptible to the deft manipulations his rival was capable of performing. Lurking in the shadows while the pretty human flirted with his Gohan, being nudged into feeling left out and unnecessary while she talked her way into her target's attentions - small wonder his confidence had slipped a notch or few.

Gohan, meanwhile, was almost suffocated. There were so many things he wanted to say, things he shouldn't say, things his heart wouldn't let him say, and things that seemed to make it easily from his heart to his throat but stalled at his mouth and left him gaping soundlessly. He wanted to tell Mirai that she'd kissed him and he'd had no part in it. He knew he shouldn't tell the other boy that he hadn't really minded it, if only to know that the lavender-haired prince still cared enough to get jealous. His heart, still pained by a seven-year-distant betrayal, refused to allow him to tell Mirai that Gohan would much rather be kissed by him instead. And for some reason he found himself incapable of verbalising exactly how deeply he'd been affected by falling into Mirai's arms earlier that day.

On the front step of the Capsule Corp building, the wall of silence between the couple thickened and became charged with the tense anticipation of a point in time where a million different things could happen and a million different consequences could arise.

"Thanks," said Gohan, "...for getting the tickets."

"It was nothing," and Mirai waved a hand dismissively, awkwardly. Another uncomfortable silence.

Tell me, what did I do wrong
To make you stay away so long

Gohan forced himself to find something to say. "...Well, I'm glad you took me with you." A shared wince and he immediately regretted his words. 'Like you didn't take me with you seven years ago' hung between them as clearly and cruelly as if he'd spoken it.

"Better you than Chibi Trunks and Goten," Mirai responded finally, just a hint of injury in his voice. Nervous, forced smiles.

The dark-eyed Saiyan looked at his feet. He felt a strong urge - no, not just an urge. Every fibre in his body, every facet of his being compelled him, entreated him, demanded that he reinstate the moment of contact they'd shared at the end of the sixth inning. He wanted it so badly...

Gohan felt a perceptible jar as he came abruptly back to his senses and found himself leaning in to kiss the other boy. Mirai's gaze had dropped off to one side, oblivious to the gesture, but the sudden movement as Gohan aborted the action brought the lapis lazuli eyes up to meet with his companion's charcoal regard. Schoolgirl-style blushes promptly matched crimson flushes on both faces and each looked away.

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