Chapter 8

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“Hey Trunks, do you think we should go into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber again?”

Trunks paused in his current action of nibbling Gohan’s ear. “Good question,” he said thoughtfully. “That place almost drove me insane, but against Cell we’ll need all the preparation and training we can get.” Gohan, reclining against his chest as they sat together, gave a cheeky grin.

“Plus it’d be a whole year alone together,” he pointed out mischievously. Trunks chuckled and hugged him close.

“I think we’d get a little sick of training though.”

Gohan sighed and looked out at the sunset. It had been almost a full day since he’d told Trunks he loved him, one of the happiest days he could remember. The omnipresent threat of the Cell Games had, for a little while at least, seemed remote and unimportant, but it still weighed on Gohan’s mind. The knowledge that these could be his last few days on Earth scared him, as did the uncomfortable awareness that this also applied to Trunks. He hated the thought of losing the gorgeous teenager so soon, after they’d only had a day together.

The eleven year old Super Saiyan had been in situations before where his life was in danger, but this waiting on the edge of a battle he couldn’t escape required a different kind of courage than being brace in the middle of a fight. It required the guts and conviction to be true to yourself, to forget the facades and lies of everyday life, to be unmindful of consequences. To follow your instincts and do what you really, honestly wanted to do – advice Gohan intended to follow.

He had plans for that night, plans involving Trunks, and though for now he was content to sit with his beloved and watch the stars come out, he was patiently waiting for the time when he could get the teenager into bed. For reasons understood only by those adept at demystifying the human/Saiyan psyche, it was very important to Gohan to express his love for Trunks in the fullest way possible in what might be all the time they had left. He adored Trunks, cherished him, cared for him deeper than he’d thought it was possible to care for someone else. He wanted to get as close to him as he could.

“You’re right. Plus, we would miss everybody. I guess we can be alone out here.” Gohan twisted around to face Trunks and received a staggering kiss. As he responded the blonde eleven year old sensed again, clearly, the deep passion his crush felt for him, but held always in check, pushing it down so he didn’t rush or pressure the younger boy.

*I don’t think it’ll be ~you~ pressuring ~me~, Trunks* thought Gohan smugly.

“Hn? What are you talking about, Gohan?” asked Trunks indistinctly as he tried to speak while kissing him at the same time.

“I didn’t say anything!” Gohan exclaimed around a mouthful of demi-Saiyan. “You’re hearing my thoughts again.”

Trunks broke off the kiss to look at his love in surprise. “I am?” At Gohan’s nod, the teenager looked pleased. “How cool . mmph!” He was cut off as Gohan rolled onto his back and pulled Trunks on top of him, engaging his tongue in a fiery kiss. The younger boy wrapped his arms around his crush’s neck, pressing their bodies together. They made out for what seemed like an eternity as the sky above them turned from deepest blue to inky black.

When Gohan felt a lump forming in Trunks’ pants, he gently pushed the other Saiyan off so he could sit up. “Wait here,” he said, and raced to his bedroom to grab the blankets off his bed. This would be perfect – he and Trunks would make love under the stars, the classic romantic place. He could feel his inexperienced body burning in anticipation; his pulse racing as he dragged the pair of sheets out to where Trunks was obediently waiting.

Despite his age, Gohan had established himself as the boss in their relationship, the one who made the moves, called the shots, said how far they should go. But they both knew this was only because Trunks was determined not to rush the younger boy. Given permission, the teenager would stop at nothing with his beloved little demi-Saiyan.

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