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I was tagged by Im_MARVELous

So first tag! Four characters that describe me.

Peter Parker:
•Fucking awesome(jk not me)

Misty(from Pokémon):
•always yelling
•the only girl in a group of boys

•pale as fuck
•always cold
•loves winter
•wears a lot of blue

Amelia Pond(Doctor Who):
•would run away with a 1200 hundred and something year old alien from Gallifrey who wears a bow tie and fez
•actor can be in DW and Marvel

What name do you use most?
I tend to use Amelia often. She's one of my favorite characters to play with.

What do you find the hardest to write?
Openers. Like when you start out your story and image.

What do you find fun to write?
Anything really

What do you think you need to improve on?
Spelling and grammar

You know you've written a good book when?
I'm happy with the finished product. Like my Empty Sheets one-shot from my OUAT book

Any advice for others?
Wording your sentences correctly. It's more important then spelling, your spelling could be completely incorrect- I'll figure it out it's not that big a deal- but word tell whether your book is good or not.

I tag:
You don't have to do it if you were already tagged

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