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Camila's POV

I haven't had sex with Lauren, let alone speak to her in like 3 days. It's not like I haven't tried but Lauren just shoots me down. Meanwhile, I took pleasure in seeing Ashley run around in her underwear and have to do the walk of shame to the principals office. Hilarious.

I'm walking to my locker right and I'm alone today because Dinah is sick. As I get my books for class I check the time and I am 30 minutes early for class so I decided to go to the library. I really should find Lauren and figure out why she has been avoiding me.

As soon as I go into the library I give a warm smile to my favorite librarian (I couldn't find someone to represent the librarian, whatever). I go to the romance selection and as I turn another corner in search of a book, I see Lauren holding up some girl with the girls legs wrapped around her waist. What the fu-?

I can't believe this jackass did it again... I wonder what her excuse will be this time. Oh I was helping her reach a book and her tongue found it way down my throat? Bullshit. But I refuse to care because I was dumb enough to fall for that sap story. This is why I didn't catch feelings. But why do I feel jealous?
Probably because you caught feelings...
Shut it brain, okay? I do not have time for your bullshit.

"Excuse me" I said politely as I tried to reach for a book. Not giving the asshole the satisfaction.

"Camz? Oh shit! I swear it's not what it looks like," She said as she basically dropped Eliza on the ground. "Really? Because it looked like Eliza was trying to make her tongue your appetizer. But it's fine, I was just looking for a book" I said with a smile. "Carry on"

With that I left the library and made my way outside to read. As I sat down I saw Lauren coming outside and when she saw me she ran a hand through her hair and walked over to me. I was starting to read when she cleared her throats to get my attention. "How may I be of service, Jauregui?" I asked, not looking at her.

"Camila, I'm sorry... you weren't meant to see that. I never wanted to hurt your feelings. I don't even know why I let it get that fa- can you please look at me?" She said. "Look Lauren, as I told you after we had sex, we are just a game and that's all we will ever be. I am perfectly fine with whoever you want to stick yourself in and I promise that it won't be me. So you can fuck whoever you want, okay? I'm a big girl, I can understand that what we have is platonic. I'm pretty sure Eliza can scream louder than me so you can have her make you deaf."

She didn't look at me, she just played with her fingers. "What? Cat got your tongue? Or did you lose it in between Eliza's legs?" I said rolling my eyes. "I'm really sorry Camila" she said in a quiet voice. "It's fine I'm actually waiting for someo- and there he is" I said as I gathered my things. So while I was walking outside I may have called someone to pass the time. "Hey you," he said as he picked me up and spun us around. "Hey, so... what do you want to do today?" I asked while playing with his hand.

I heard someone clear their throat behind me and I turned around to see a pissed off Lauren trying to glare holes into the boys body. "Who is this Camz?" She asked as she tried to put her arm around my waist but I moved away subtly and fixed my book bag on my back. "Um.. this is Greyson. Greyson, this is Lauren" I said uncomfortably as they were trying to kill each other with their eyes. "Camila can I talk you for a second?" Lauren asked as she finally looked at me.

"Is it important?" I asked slightly annoyed that she would do this because I didn't interrupt her while she was exchanging saliva with Ms. Taylor. "Yes" she said through gritted teeth, "It is."

We walked over to a bench away from Greyson and she took a deep breath. "Camz-" I interrupted her, "Camila" I said as I rolled my eyes. "Camila... look I know that I made a name for myself to fuck and dump girls, but that's not what I wanted for you. I do actually like you and I want to see where we can go. I want to see where our feelings can take us." She said with hope in her eyes but I was too aggravated to deal with this so I shot her down.

"Well my feelings are taking me with Greyson... and your feelings... Well you can figure that out by yourself." After I told her that there was absolutely no hope in her eyes. "Sorry buddy, but I really have to go" I said as I patted her shoulder and gave her a weak smile.

I turned around and walked back to Greyson and got in his car. I looked back to Lauren and she still hadn't moved. Right now, I didn't want to think about her. I didn't want to think about anything other than what I'm doing for the remainder of the day. Wether I'm doing him, or I'm sitting in my room watching Disney movies for the night.

A/n WELL... that was unexpected. If you watch the Netflix show The 100, then you'll know who Eliza is and I figured a lot of people knew Greyson Chance and I'm trying not to use people like Austin and Brad. BORING!! So I hope you like the update. Make sure to whip that star at the bottom left of your screen and have a nice day ❤️❤️❤️

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