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Camila's POV

It's been three weeks since the.. incident with Lauren and I can't even think about it without crying. How much I begged her to stopped and how constricted I felt. And she just... she wouldn't listen. She just told me to shut the fuck up.

I feel so sick right now like I can throw up all of my organs. I persevere and make my way to my car to go to school. Dinah is sitting at the bleachers waiting for me so we could go for breakfast. As soon as she sees me she screams "CHANCH!!" I smile at her craziness and try to greet her with the same enthusiasm. "CHE-- oh god!" I start throwing up.

"Oh my god! Mila are you okay?" Dinah runs over to me and rubs my back. "Yeah, no I'm great. I've just been throwing up my guts for the passed few days but I'm fucking peachy" I said annoyed at this constant stomach pain.

"The passed couple of days? Mila.. when was the last time you had sex?" She asked showing a look of concern.

"Like 3 weeks.. why?"

"Mila I think you might be pregnant..."

PREGNANT?! No.. I- I can't be pregnant. The last person I had consensual sex with was Greyson and then... no.. no no no! I can't be pregnant for that piece of shit!

"Dinah I can't be pregnant! The last person I had sex with was Lauren and I don't want to be pregnant for that piece of shit!"

"Camila, you have to tell her. That's her baby in there. I don't know what happened between you two but it can't be that bad where you can't tell her that you might be pregnant with her baby."

"You don't understand Dinah!"

"Then just fucking tell me! What happened between you two that has got you so riled up?!"

"ITS BECAUSE SHE FUCKING RAPED ME!!" I blurted out as I started crying.

Dinah looks as if someone had just murdered her mom and she wants revenge. I'm pretty sure if we were in a cartoon there would be steam coming out of her ears.

"SHE DID WHAT?!" She screamed as I flinched and avoided looking at her.

"She raped me Dinah. And I can't stand to be around her." I made the biggest mistake of looking at Dinah because as soon as she saw my eyes she was off into the school.

I followed her but she wouldn't look at me and she was out for someone's head. We continued to walk, well more like Dinah walked and I sprinted to try and keep up. We reached the library where Lauren is usually hanging out before class. When we entered the library we went straight to most secluded part and saw Lauren kissing some girl.

I felt like hiding in a little hole and never coming out because how could she do that to me, ignore me for three weeks and then just find another bitch to fuck. I didn't see when Dinah left my side but I did see when she gripped Lauren by her shoulders and punched her in the face.

Lauren fell to the floor with a loud thud and groaned in pain.

"WHAT THE F-" she was cut short when Dinah gripped her shirt and punched her in the face again.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN RAPE MILA AND GET HER PREGNANT AND THEN FUCK SOME OTHER BITCH?! YOU PEICE OF SHIT!!" Dinah kicked her in the stomach and Lauren groaned in pain. I was frozen. I couldn't move or speak. Hell, I couldn't even think, all I could do is watch the encounter with Dinah and Lauren.

"Camila... I'm so sorry. I-I don't know what happened to me. I was so angry all I saw was red and--"

"Well now when you look in the mirror all you gonna see is black and blue because I'm about to fuck you up!"

Dinah continually kicked and punched her until she was coughing up blood. At that moment I ran to Dinah and pulled her away before she killed the girl.

We ran outside and got into my car and drove off. I don't know if I'm pregnant or not but I refuse to waste anymore time. I'm gonna find out right now.

WELL... I might not make it a Camren endgame but that is so cliché and as you can tell I don't want to be a regular Camren author. But there might be two more updates before I end it. I don't know yet. But I'm going to make another book but it's just going to be smut.. anyways! Comment, vote, and keep reading ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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