Born Again.

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Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is
Proverbs 12: 1

"I HATE YOU, MOM!" Pete screamed so loudly that the neighbors probably heard it. He knew how dramatic and emo that statement was but he was pretty dramatic and emo as well so he had every right to say that.

"Pete Lewis Kingston Wentz the Third, don't you dare  talk to your mother that way," Mr. Wentz commanded, sternly, slamming his fist on the kitchen table.

Pete rolled his eyes, melodramatically. "What am I supposed to do? Did you hear what she just said to me?!" Pete yelled back.

His could feel his blood boiling with rage. He just wanted to throw himself against the wall and scream because of how stupid his parents were.

"This is for your own good, Peter!" Mrs. Wentz replied. "We're doing this because we love you!"

"If you guys loved me then you wouldn't try to change me! You'd actually accept me for who I am!"

"Peter, homosexuality is unnatural! It's a sin!" Mrs. Wentz restated for about the 100th time. It seemed it be her favorite saying.

"And sending me a fucking prayer group is going to make me straight?!" Pete questioned.

"Watch your language, young man," mr. Wentz warned.

Pete sighed loudly. "I'm done. I'm done! I'm not gonna take this anymore," he stated before standing up and stopping off to his room.

He was pretty sure his parents were yelling at him to come back to their 'intervention' but Pete drowned them out with his music.

He couldn't believe them. All the sudden they wanted to be good little Christians. It was pathetic! They'd always mocked Christianity and all the sudden they want to be a part of it and drag Pete into it, too. It was so unfair. Everything in Pete's life was so unfair.

It had only been two days since Pete's boyfriend broken up with him because he was getting transferred to a different school and long distance relationships were "too hard." Pete translated that to, "I'm going to a new school where I can find thousands of boys better than you."
Yet for some reason Pete still really really missed him and was willing to forgive him no matter how many times he lowkey made fun of Pete.

But maybe Pete could find a new bae at the prayer group. There had to be someone else who was forced to go to that thing. Pete couldn't image anyone who actually would want to go to such a ridiculous thing.


Mikey never meant to make his parents cry. Honestly. He knew they were going to have a dramatic reaction. After all, learning that their son struggled with same-sex desires was a lot for his parents to take.

"I know you guys are super upset about it but it actually isn't a choice. It's a...thing. I don't know. It's like any other sin, I guess," Mikey awkwardly tried to redeem himself. Neither one of his parents responded so Mikey decided to keep rambling on in hopes that it'll make something better. "But the church is starting a prayer group for people like me and I think it will help."

This just made Mrs. Way cry a bit harder but when she looked up at Mikey she had a smile on her face.

"I'm so proud of you, Michael," Mrs. Way stated. "Not many boys like you would actually look for help in this."

"I agree," Mr. Way replied. "It takes a mature Christian to tell us what you told us. Can we pray for you right now?"

Mikey nodded his head and his father gave him a smile in response.

"Dear Heavenly Father, thank You so much for Michael and the Christian man you're shaping him to be. You've brought him a long way in the past years. Thank You for convicting him to tell us about this sin that he's struggling with and-"

Mikey hated to admit it but he basically began zoning out at that point. He was so thankful that his parents were taking it so well! He had a feeling that they were going to yell and him and hold that sin above his head for the rest of their life just like they did with every thing else he'd ever done. So Mikey had a rebellious phase where he sinned a lot. But Mikey was okay with that because in the end it just brought him closer to God. But that never stop Mikey's parents from bringing up every sin he'd ever committed any chance they could. It frustrated him to no end.

Of course he knew that they weren't perfect and that he had to just forgive them but it a lot was harder than it seemed.

Oh well. Hopefully things would get better once he actually began going to the prayer group.

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