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I haven't updated this in so long oh my god. Just a note my writing is kinda weird now ?? Idk what happened. I'm confused myself.

Mikey accidentally came across an fanfiction of Johnlock because  the Devil knew his weakness. Even after Mikey prayed for God to remove the urge, the temptation remained. Mikey wasn't strong enough to resist gay smut.

It was one of the biggest mistakes Mikey had ever made which was saying a lot. Reading it only brought back nostalgic feels. He found himself reading the fanfiction more than his Bible which was a huge problem.

All through this Mikey tried to convince himself that it was okay. It was research or something, right? It wasn't that bad, though in the back of his mind he could picture the Lord shaking His head.

Mikey was ashamed of himself as he set his phone down. He was such a bad Christian and God would never really love him.

At least, Mikey was proud he didn't touch himself this time. He really had a problem overcoming that sin, but though he'd never admit it, that wasn't something he wanted to give up. Was he even a real Christian? Real Christians can't delight in the things God hates. Maybe he wasn't even saved.

"Can you not put me with Pete? I get what you want to do but....I need encouragement. Next week can you pair me up with Tyler? Of Josh? They're the only ones who seem to care about Christ."

Pete couldn't just let someone be sad. He knew how bad that could get and he wouldn't let anyone else go through that even if it was Mikey. Pete was a little shocked. Weren't Christians always supposed to be happy?

"Hey, are you okay?"

Mikey was startled by the question, only looking up for a few seconds. The lights caught his eyes just right and made his eyes sparkle. It pulled Pete into this strange state where Mikey was suddenly extremely attractive.

Mikey shrugged. "Christian stuff. You wouldn't understand." He sounded so broken and defeated.

"Come on, just tell me. I won't make fun of you."

Mikey sighed still not looking up at Pete. "I just can't do this right. I know that even after yore saved you'll still sin but it seems like I'm not really saved."

Pete restrained himself from making an atheistic comment because his mission wasn't to fight Mikey but to help him feel better. And then realize how wrong he is.

"Maybe it's God's fault for making you like this and then calling you a sinner."

"How could you say that?" Mikey was so offended.

"What? Are you mad because you're gay? I don't see what's wrong with that."

"Because....because God said so. And God makes rules to keep us from getting hurt.

"Maybe it'll keep your ass from getting sore but other then that I don't get what's to keep you safe from."

"We have to walk by faith, not sight."

Pete had to bite his tongue to keep himself calm. That was just a red flag in his mind.

"This is why I didn't want to tell you," Mikey stated. "You'd just fight me about it."

"That's because I think your God's a load of bullshit."

And the whole room went silent.

"And...and," Pete's heart was racing. Everyone was looking at him and judging him even more then they already had.

"You really buy into this and it's so fucking sad to see."

"Can you please not swear?"

"Right, sorry. But you're beating yourself up over things you can't control."

Mikey was silent and everyone else slowly shifted back into their old conversations.

"You don't know what you're talking about," Mikey swiftly got up to leave the room.

A part of Pete wanted to run after him and the other knew that it would only make things worse. Luckily, Pete never listened to the logical part of his brain.

"Mikey, wait!"

"No. I get that you're trying to help but just leave me alone."

Pete didn't know what to do. He was ashamed for only making things worse but hey it wasn't his fault Mikey wanted to hold himself up to an impossible standard.

"I didn't mean to make things worse."

"I forgive you."

"I want to help."

"You're not the person who can help me."

"Maybe I am and you just don't want to hear it. I get that you want Christian council, but this is ridiculous. You can't make God happy because He just wants you to fail."

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"What if I did? What if I decided to learn all about God on one condition."

Mikey turned around, finally seeming a little open. "Which is?"

"You have to do the same."

"What do you mean?"

"I have some good books on skepticism and atheism. If I read your Bible books you gotta read mine."

"I don't know. My faith's being tested enough and...."

"You can think about it. Can you give me an answer by next week?"

Mikey slowly shook his head. "Yeah. Sure. Now can you please leave me alone?"

"Yeah. Sorry. I'll, uh, see you next week."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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