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And such were some of you. But you were washed and you were sanctified but you were justified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
1 Corinthians 6:11

For whatever reason, he was freaking out about the prayer group that Friday. It was just Mikey's nature to be paranoid about every little thing. His mind was flooded with useless questions: what if someone he knew was there? What if everyone judged him for being there? What if this prayer group wouldn't even help?

Mikey never had time to answer them.

"You know where the prayer group is, right?" Mrs. Way asked as she pulled up in front of the church building.

Mikey nodded his head as he gazed upon the very intimidating church. It was bigger than Mikey thought any church needed to be. He went there every Sunday so he sort of knew his way around but he'd usually run to the exit door as soon as the service let out.

Mikey opened up the car door and hesitantly got out.

"Hurry up or you're gonna be late!" Mrs. Way warned.

"Yeah. Okay. Sorry," Mikey stuttered.

"Why are you so nervous?"

"I don't know. I'll be fine, though."

Mrs. Way gave him a skeptical look. "If you say so. Well have fun."

"Um I'll try to?"

They said their goodbyes and Mrs. Way speed off.

As soon as Mikey walked into the church he noticed a large sign that read:
There was an arrow pointing in the general direction of where that room was.

Mikey took his time as he walked down the hall. He was already early so there was no need to rush. He was still trying to keep himself from freaking out too much.

Finally, he arrived at the classroom. Mikey took a deep breath and forced himself to walk into the room.

It was empty aside from the youth pastor that Mikey vaguely knew.

Mikey didn't really know what to do so he just stood at the door, waiting for the youth pastor to notice him.

"Mikey!" He exclaimed when he finally looked up. "Are you here for the prayer group??" He was obviously surprised and Mikey couldn't really blame him.

Mikey nodded, awkwardly.

"That's great! Well it looks like you're the first one here. Everyone needs a name tag so here's the tag and a pen."

They were going to make him put on a name tag? Mikey was so not okay with that.

"Do I have to?" Mikey questioned.

The man was taken aback for a second but quickly composed an answer. "I mean you don't have to but everyone else will be wearing one so you might seem a little odd if you didn't have one."

"Aren't we gonna go around in a circle and say our names and share our life story or something?" Mikey asked, confused.

"What do you think this is? A support group?" The youth pastor laughed.

Mikey shrugged. "I have no idea what to expect. Never been to a prayer group before."

"I think you'll really enjoy it. It's really helpful. Even though you will have to talk to people."


Mikey nodded and then decided to take his seat. Much like a support group the chairs were all arranged in a circle.

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