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After about fifteen minutes of waiting, Mikey's mom texted him, telling him that she wouldn't be able to pick him up anytime soon so Mikey had to walk home. Mikey hated that because that gave him time to think. Especially considering that boy he had met outside the church because to Mikey that boy was so hot. He was so hot that Mikey's heart began to flutter at an unnatural pace and his breathing pattern was messed up.
That was a recipe for disaster.

Mikey tried to tell himself that this thing wouldn't go anywhere. That guy said that he didn't want to go to the prayer group so they'd probably never see each other again. Problem solved. Mikey only hoped it could be so easy.

Mikey spent the majority of his walk talking to God and asking Him to give Him strength to ignore the temptation.

As soon as Mikey opened the front door he saw a tall, shirtless dude eating a banana in his kitchen. Mikey and him just stared at each other for a moment, neither one knowing what to do or say.

Mikey had never seen the guy in his life so he could only assume that he was one of Gerard's "friends." There were a lot of other better words to describe it but friend was the only one that didn't make Mikey feel traumatized

"Gaaaaabe, did you-" Gerard walked in the room wearing only a long, baggy shirt that thankfully concerned everything.
"Oh hey, Mikes," Gerard said casually as if nothing out of the ordinary were happening.

I waved awkwardly at Gerard, feeling that weird

"Who's he?" The guy who's name appeared to be "Gaaaabe" asked Gerard.

"That's my little brother, you fucking idiot," Gerard responded.

Mikey really didn't want to be down there for much longer, and he got a feeling that Gabe didn't want him down there either. He didn't really want to know why.

So Mikey ran upstairs while the attention wasn't focussed much on him. They probably wouldn't have minded anyway.

Mikey really hated to see his big brother so open about his sinful lifestyle. In fact, he was the one who convinced Mikey that there was "nothing wrong with being gay there was just something wrong with God." Of course, Mikey only believed that before he got saved. Oh what a fool he had been.

Mikey shut his door so that he couldn't hear whatever Gerard and Gabe did next. Instead, he sat down on his bed and began to pray that God would change Gerard's heart as well as the boy from prayer group. Mikey at first wanted that boy to be gone forever so he wouldn't have to deal with the temptation but he soon realized how selfish that was. The boy needed the prayer group as much as Mikey did. More, actually.

"You didn't even go to the prayer group?" Patrick asked Pete while the both sat on Pete's bed. "I don't know how you were brave enough to do that. I would have been too scared."

"I just don't care," Pete shrugged. "I'm so sick of their homophobia."

"Yeah I know how you feel. My parents are the same way," Patrick responded, shifting his eyes to the floor.

Patrick's situation with his parents was a little bit different from Pete's though. True they were both homophobic assholes but Patrick's were also transphobic. Sure Pete's parents were the same only it didn't affect Pete personally in the same way it affected Patrick.

"Yeah well at least your parents don't send you to a prayer group." Pete responded. It was supposed to be encouraging but Pete really failed at that.

Patrick shrugged. "Not yet. They totally would. Just haven't thought of it yet."

Pete nodded. "Yeah. The worst part is that there aren't any cute boys."

Patrick chuckled. "Only you could go to a prayer group and pick up guys."

"I know right," Pete agreed. "But we should talk about something else cuz I'm so done with that prayer group. So how are things for you?"

"Um not that great," Patrick responded, running his fingers through his long hair. "I asked my mom if I could get a haircut and she just yelled at me."

Pete sighed. "That's so unfair!"

"I know! I wish they could be somewhat accepting," Patrick stated.

"Me too. I don't understand them at all."

"Me neither, Pete. Me either."

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