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Pete had been bragging about his absence at the prayer group so much that his mother heard. Needless to say she dragged him into the church that week and told the youth pastor that Pete would try to escape and that he shouldn't be allowed to. Of course all this was happening while everyone in the prayer group watched.

Pete sat down awkwardly, not sure what else to do with himself. He already hated this.

"Alright let's begin this week's prayer group," the leader exclaimed as he sat down in the chair himself.

"So, Ashley, how have you been this week?" He asked the girl sitting next to him.

"Oh I've been fine. There's not much going on which is kind of a good thing," she replied.

"Is there anyway we can be praying for you?" He asked.

"No I don't think so."

"Alright. Melanie, how are you this week?"

Pete had no idea what he expected this prayer group to be but it certainly wasn't this. Everyone just went around the circle and told about how they struggled with sin that week.
Finally they got to Pete where Pete and the youth pastor just looked at each other for a moment.

"Well since you weren't here last week why don't you introduce yourself," he suggested with a smile that Pete believed was fake.

"Um I'm Pete?"

"Do you have anything you want us to pray for?"

Pete shook his head, uninterestedly. "Nope. I'm an atheist so yeah."

He was kinda disappointed when he didn't get the typical hi Pete support group answering. But everyone there was no emotion in anyone there.

Pete zoned out as they continued to go along the circle.

"Pete, I'm going to have you pray with Mikey," was the thing that brought back into the real world. He really hoped that Mikey, whoever he was, was paying attention when Pete introduced himself because Pete had no idea who he was.

As everyone got in their groups Pete tried to figure out who was who. Sure enough he saw that cute/annoying boy he met last week walking towards Pete with his eyes looking towards the ground.
Pete groaned. That kid was annoying but he was cute so it all made up for it. Pete looked over at the boy but he didn't show any signs of any emotion.


Mikey awkwardly waved.

"So um we gotta pray now," Pete uttered, immediately regretting it.

Mikey nodded.

Mikey was just as upset as Pete was but not for the same reason. You see, Mikey was looking forward to this week even more then usual because he had some things he needed to pray about. Let's just say that there were some serious temptations in his life that we just couldn't stay away from.
And now he really couldn't pray for them with someone cuz the youth pastor threw him with Pete because he knew that Mikey was strong in his faith and Pete couldn't care less. But maybe Mikey could pray with someone else when they were done?

Mikey nodded. He wasn't surprising at all. Of course, Mikey would get stuck with the kid who wouldn't even pray for Mikey. That was kinda why Mikey went to the prayer group, to have someone pray for him.
Mikey knew how selfish he was being and he hates that. He should be thankful that God was giving him the chance to be an example of Christ to Pete.

Mikey didn't bother to pray out loud. It's not like Pete would even listen. Mikey asked God to give him patience and to bring Pete to Him. But, although Mikey refused to admit it to himself, he really doubted that that would ever happen.

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