Chapter 4

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Selena's POV

God I hated men! They were so bloody infuriating! First it's "Oh you're perfect" and all that! Then it's "Oh I just wanna be friends." I hated them.

Sam sat in the armchair next to me with a furious expression on her face, not too dissimilar to mine.

"I'm gonna kill him." She stated in a low voice. I raised an eyebrow.

"Ok then."

"Not Danny." She clarified in an even angrier tone. "Ridley. I'm gonna rip off his head and use it as a baseball." Since when was she this violent?

"Right." I answered slowly. "Do you want a cup of tea?" Sam shook her head but I stood up and walked to the kitchen anyway, flipping on the kettle and dropping a tea bag into my favourite mug. As I stood over the sink, tapping my fingers to an unknown tune, I looked out of the window to see that the sky had turned a flat grey-white colour. Minuscule flakes of snow fell down from the sky slowly. It was beautiful.

As the kettle flipped off, I poured the water into my mug and stirred, adding milk and sugar. Turning back to Sam, I grinned and pointed to the window behind me.

"It's time." I said with a laugh.

Danny's POV

Christmas was on it's way. Snow was beginning to fall and the cheesy songs were on repeat in every shop I walked in.

"Snow is falling, all around me, children playing, having fun. 'Tis the season, love and understanding... Merry Christmas, everyone!" Mark sang cheerfully as he entered the room. Glen rolled his eyes from his seat on the sofa.

"Really? You stoop that low as to sing Christmas songs?" He complained. Mark laughed and began to sing louder.

"Baby all I want for Christmas is yoooooooouuuuuuu! Ooooooooh baby!" Glen scowled as I cracked up laughing.

"Nah, you're alright mate." He replied, patting Mark's shoulder affectionately. "Anyway, shouldn't we do something to liven this place up a little?" He asked, changing the subject and gesturing towards the quite dull apartment we'd rented for the week. The walls were plain white, and the sofas, although comfortable and plush, were a boring shade of cream. The room was pretty much empty except the tv, music system and armchair other than that. Four doors lined the walls, leading to the bedrooms and bathroom, and another door led into the kitchen, beside a large window. I could see what he meant.

"Well what are you waiting for?" Mark asked with a grin. "Let's sort it out!" I'd never seen him so eager to decorate something before. Christmas really did change the world.

What seemed like hours later, both Mark and Glen had covered the entire flat in tinsel. At one point, Glen had been running around the room with baubles hanging from his ears and a wreath around his head. Ok, so the room did not look brilliant, there was blue tinsel everywhere and the tree was a bit wonky, but it was good. It was our kind of Christmas.

Selena's POV

I loved Christmas. Every year, Sam and I would spend hours perfecting the tree, putting up lights in the window and writing out cards. The decorations had been taken down from the attic, and now I carefully hung the silver baubles on the fir tree while Sam stood on her tiptoes with a hammer in her hand, nailing the silver and blue wreath to the open door. I'll admit, I was keeping one eye on her whole she had the hammer.

"Done!" Sam exclaimed as she closed the front door. "How is the tree?" I shrugged and stepped off the chair I was balancing on.

"Alright, though the beads still don't look right to me." I complained, fixing the shiny rows of silver orbs which lined the tree. Sam rolled her eyes.

"Honestly, you're a perfectionist, they look perfect! Now what about cards?" She asked, pulling me away from the tree and dragging me towards the stack of cards that we always seemed to have leftover from the previous year. "Who are we sending them to?" I shrugged as she thrust a box of cards adorned with reindeers and snowmen into my arms.

"Dunno, Kara from down the road, Cat and Lea obviously." I replied, flicking through the cards to see what I had. Sam nodded.

"Not Ridley obviously," She said with a scowl. "Danny, Glen and Mark?" I paused, before nodding.

"Um, yeah." I answered. "We could probably send ones to Jessie and Will too." I hadn't really thought about it before, but I had only met them because of Danny. Then again, I hadn't thought of Danny all day.

"Jessie and Will?" Sam turned to me in shock. "Will.I.Am and Jessie J?!" I nodded and she gaped, mouth hanging open. "Bloody hell." I laughed at her expression.

"I know." I said, patting her shoulder affectionately. "Now, what do you think I should buy Cat?" I changed the subject, but Sam was not easily swayed.

"I dunno," She replied with a smirk. "Do you think I should get Danny a present?" Rolling my eyes, I picked up an old roll of wrapping paper and tapped her head with it gently.

"Samantha Brown, you are obsessed with that guy." I joked as she gasped dramatically.

"I am not!" She exclaimed, placing a hand on her chest in mock horror. "Anyway, this coming from the one who is so madly in love with him!" A scowl formed upon my lips.

"Excuse me!" I copied her feigned horror. "'Twas not love my dear Sam, it was lust." That forced a fit of laughter from the girl, who collapsed onto the floor, tears streaming from her eyes as the uncontrollable giggles attacked. Seconds later I had joined her, both crying with laughter.

"...You sound...Like Shakespeare!" Sam gasped as she attempted to compose herself. I managed to sit upright, clutching my stomach.

"What do you mean? I would make a brilliant Desdemona!" I cried with a grin. Sam frowned for a moment.

"Desde-who?" She asked, bewildered. I rolled my eyes and stood up, pulling her with me.

"Never mind." I shook my head and took her hand. "Now how about some Christmas shopping?" Sam started squealing.


Hey guys. Ok, so this is a terrible chapter, sorry bout that. I really wish I could give you guys decent chapters but my heart just isn't in it, I don't know what to write. And I don't think it's fair giving you rubbish chapters when you are such great fans :)

Therefore, I am setting up a competition type thingymjig. I want to know what you want in this story. Do you want Lena and Danny to get back together? Do you want Ridley to get his just desserts? What do you guys think?

-if any of you do still read this lol-

So, just message me or leave comments of what you think should happen and I will pick the best couple. The winners will obviously get their ideas featured, as well as a follow (if I haven't already followed you) and a dedication on a chapter of your choice in this story or One Song :)

I'd love it if you could all help :)

OwlMagic153 xxx

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