Chapter 5

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Selena's POV

Shopping probably did more good to Sam than six months in hospital. She dragged me into every shop, tried on almost every top in Primark, and then decided to buy half of Starbucks. Naturally, I carried the bags.

"Retail therapy is the best thing anyone could think of!" Sam exclaimed, sipping her frappė with a smile. How she could drink something so cold in winter I had no idea. Rolling my eyes, I heaved the bright red shopping bags over my right shoulder and lifted the others in my left.

"Are you gonna give me a hand?!" I cried as my left side went numb. The plastic was digging hard into my skin, leaving angry marks which were almost as bright as the bags. Sam turned with a frown upon her face.

"Wha-? Oh!" Finally it clicked and she took two of the bags from my suffering hands.

"Thank you!" I rubbed my wrists gently. "Anyway, what have you got in half of these?" I reached forward to fold back the top layer of gold tissue which covered the contents of the nearest bag, but my hand was quickly -and painfully- slapped away.

"Nothing for nosies!" Sam scolded, picking up the bag and managing to balance it in between her frappė and the other bags. I have to admit, shopping was an art that many people would never understand. "I let you keep your secrets, so let me keep mine!" It was true. One of the bags, a blue silk gift wrapped parcel, was mine, bought during the long period of time in which Sam took to try on a little black dress, and for me to nip next door. Unbeknownst to her, that parcel also disguised several other presents, which she was not going to see either.

"Are we done yet?" I asked for what must have been the third time in the space of an hour. Sam mused for a moment, then answered.

"I suppose so, though I still didn't get anything for my mum..." She trailed off and looked at me apologetically with those big blue eyes. Then I realised what she had said. Mum. That tiny little word that was so important. My first Christmas, without my parents. It had barely crossed my mind, with what had been going on. My first Christmas when I would really feel alone. Sam read my thoughts, throwing her now empty cup in the nearest bin and gently placing an arm around my shoulders. She didn't have to say anything, just being there helped. It took all of my willpower not to cry, but somehow I managed it, digging my nails into my tightly closed fist and snapping my head up. One deep breath, and then we were walking again, my eyes staring straight ahead but not seeing anything. I was almost glad of it. In fact, I was, especially when I felt Sam stiffen against me. Words began to leave her mouth but I didn't hear them. It was only when I collided with something rather tall and skinny that I noticed who stood in front of me.


Danny's POV

Why on God's Earth had I agreed to Christmas shopping with Mark and Glen? They were like two five year olds in a toy store! At least it gave me a chance to buy those much needed presents.

"Oi! Dan!" Glen called from a rather pink and fluffy looking store. "What do you think?" He held up a black lacy set of lingerie. "Does it suit me?" I rolled my eyes and a groan escaped my lips as Mark rushed into the store to join him.

"Yeah Dan! How about this?" He grabbed a pink fluffy fan and fluttered it in what he deemed to be a romantic gesture. There were several women in the shop who were beginning to stare.

"Right, will you two prats get out of there before someone takes a photo or something?" I hissed as more shoppers began to notice their antics. To my surprise, tweedle dee and tweedle dum actually listened.

"Okay okay!" Glen replaced the underwear on the peg, chuckling quietly as he exited the store. Mark also replaced his accessory, but began to walk in the opposite direction to Glen, whose bewilderment was evident. "Whoa! Where are you going? Come back here!" He began to hurry after Mark, who was slowly making his way through the shop, pausing to look at a bra every so often. I think he might have cracked.

"How about you both come back here and we walk away without looking like absolute fucking prats!" I muttered under my breath, following the two of them quickly before anything else went wrong. Typically, Mark had come to a halt right at the back of the store, and seemed to actually be browsing for something to buy.

"Is there something you aren't telling us Marky?" Glen joked, although he was still glancing around, hoping that nobody had recognised us. Mark rolled his eyes.

"I forgot to get Rina a Christmas present okay?" He explained. "Now will you guys help me find something she'd like?"

"You're joking aren't you? Like we'd -well I'd- know anything 'bout underwear?" Glen exclaimed, causing Mark to turn, looking at me expectantly.

"No no no and no! " I cried, picking up the shopping bags I'd recently placed on the floor. "I'm leaving." And then a rather tall, pretty brunette rounded the corner with a smile upon her face. "I'm staying."

"Can I help you?" She asked. "The wife, by any chance?" She'd obviously been here before. I placed my most charming smile upon my face and nodded.

"His, actually, for Christmas." I jabbed my thumb in Mark's direction, and the woman looked towards him.

"What size? Colour? Style?" Mark's expression went blank and the woman laughed quietly.

"Come on, I'll sort it out." She began to lead him into a different section of the store, at which point both Glen and I decided we should leave, things were already awkward.

"Phew, that was awkward." Glen pulled at his collar jokingly as he read my thoughts. "Though you have to admit, that girl was fit." I humoured him, nodding along.


"And she did look quite like a rather pretty brunette we know... You know, tall, smart, funny..." He trailed off as I glared at him.

"Shut it." The two words were enough.

"Okay, okay!" He gave in. "Although... She is over there." He pointed straight ahead of us and I did a double take.

There was Lena, and Sam too, judging by the blonde hair, carrying numerous bags. Heading straight towards the pair was a tall, blonde guy whose face looked familiar. I froze, but Glen kept walking. By the time he had realised I had stopped, Lena had collided with the random man, and it seemed as though her whole body had turned to ice. Her lips moved, though I didn't hear what was said.

And then she punched him in the face.


I know! I know! I'm a terrible person. I haven't updated, and I haven't done anything I said I would, but my life has just been so busy. I plan to update as soon as possible, though I have a ton of exams, and I hope you all like this chapter :) -I was gonna upload last night but just didn't get chance to finish it-

Anyway! Grovelling over! Ridley totally deserved that! And The Script, underwear shopping? I just had to! Please vote, comment, fan, you know the drill (and if you still read this, wow are you guys amazing!) Love you all!

OwlMagic153 xxxxxxxx

P.s- My NaNoWriMo novel: Reflection, is up! It's quite terrible but I'd be grateful if you could check it out :)

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