Sebastian, Ciel, and Mystery have left their old lives behind...
They start living in a new life in a world isolated from the humans, a sanctuary for demons. As Sebastian stays chained to his master forever, more love develops between him and Myster...
Young and innocentMystery laid in the forest grass curled in a ball wearing her wornout dress and red cloak. She remained asleep.
"No memory of any or myself..."
Memories of Mysteryin London, being taken in to the Phantomhive estate and havingadventures with the servants, Ciel, and Sebastian.
"Never knowing who my parentswere... like my brother did..."
A happy memory ofVincent and Rachel Phantomhive loving a little Ciel flashed.
"My true name and true self wasrevealed... I had a family and I fell in love with an inhumanbeing..."
The area was darkexcept a stone path led further and further.
"You took something of mine..."the female voice grew colder and colder.
Ciel and Sebastiantravel and search for any trails of Mystery.
"My memories were taken away fromme and now... you took away my precious title of being a mother...and as far as I know... you may have already took what's left of myfamily and lover from me..."
Further down thestone pavement was a figure. A red cloaked figure, her back facingforwards.
"You say you're mad? Well, Ibelieve you made me mad as well."
The girl's griptightened around her weapon. It all fades to black.
"They call you the Queen ofWonderland. And me? I think of myself as... a slayer. My true title,the Queen Slayer, will become official once I hunt down what I'mlooking for..."
The darkness turnedinto the night environment of a demon's realm. The type of realmwhere one forms a contract, but this girl was doing no such thing.She was alone. The night sky, the snowy grounds, the naked pointedtrees surrounding the area as the figure still faced away.
"So send your monsters, yourhuntsmen... and when they fail and you realize the mistake you made,know that your demise will not be merciful..."
"This is the beginning of the end,Alice..."
The figure turnedaround, her eyes hidden by the darkness of the cloak. Her lips in afirm line. Her black hair in curls bounced as she tilted her head upand stared ahead.
"And I can't wait to watch youburn..."
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