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//turn the video on when another message like this appears, thank you.//

the entire living room was oozing with rising panic. everyone were silent for at least three minutes, not aware that the tornado was coming closer by the minute. Eren was the first to speak. "we... have to get out... now..." was all he managed to say. it was such a shaky, whispering, and low voice, he doubted anyone had heard him. "hey... Eren... you have a basement, right?" Jean asked silently. "we moved... there's no basement in this house." Eren replied, his eyes staring into nothing but the black screen of the tv. a few other minutes were spend in shock and silence. and just as silent as they had been a few seconds ago, just as panicked were they now. "guys!! we've gotta get out of here! now!" Historia shouted, almost crying. "we know! but don't panic, we'll find another house..." Mikasa tried to calm everyone down, but to no luck. everyone were running around, trying their best to find places they could go to. "Annie!" Armin exclaimed. "you, Reiner, and Bertholdt came in a white car! who drove it?" he asked, out of desperation. Annie told Armin it was her dad, and since her dad lived far away, he wouldn't be able to get here in time. Mikasa stopped in her tracks for a second. she remembered her uncle, who lived only a few streets away. "everyone! we'll go to my uncles house! he only lives a few streets away! come on!" she shouted. everyone heard her, and followed her like cattle sheep. 

//turn the video on now, please. i believe it'll have a nice effect on you while you read.//

Mikasa looked around before anyone else moved outside. she looked to her left. the tornado was close, she could see it from where she was standing. it was a big round shape, roughly 2,8 kilometers wide. "we've gotta hurry up, so run as fast as you can, and try not to trip like in a horror movie." she told the rest, signaling for them to move outside. the strong wind was making trees sway around in all directions, it was like a small hurricane. you could hear the tornado clearly. everyone ran at full speed, and tried to keep up with Sasha, who was able to run much faster than everyone else. Mikasa was right behind Sasha to make sure she wouldn't just turn around random corners. just as they had crossed the street they came from, the tornado siren began ringing. "yep, we're gonna die.." Ymir mumbled under her breath. she was holding Historia's hand as tight as she could, while running. the tornado siren was so loud, but at least the teenagers got warned before the siren was turned on. 

they ran for what felt like an eternity, but even the strong wind couldn't remove the tensity from all the teenagers. they crossed several houses, and no one seemed to be home. it was like they were the only ones left. Mikasa knew exactly where her uncle lived, she just needed to get to another street. she remembered that she usually took this little passage. she used to call it 'the owl-path'.  right as they passed this little yellow house with a white rooftop, she turned a sharp turn to the right, and shouted for everyone to follow her down this little path. the owl-path was a little wood path with lots of tall spruce, and birch trees. Mikasa remembered that she found an owl nest in one of the trees once, while walking there with Eren and Armin, and that was how the name was born. everyone followed after Mikasa in a straight line. everything was much darker because the trees covered most to all light from above. they quickly went through it, and ran across the street. "there! that's my uncle's house!" Mikasa shouted, as she ran over to this small, grey, boring-looking house with a black rooftop. 

she ran up to the front door and rang the doorbell. no one answered. "come on... come on!" she yelled, getting completely stressed out. "if he doesn't answer, i'll just kick the door open!" Reiner told Mikasa, as he pushed her out of the way. "what!? no! he'll kill you!" Mikasa pushed Reiner back. Reiner almost fell, but Bertholdt got him just in time. "Reiner, you useless pectoral muscle..." Bertholdt mumbled. Mikasa spent minutes trying to get the door open. "why... WHY ARE YOU NOT HOME AT A TIME LIKE THIS LEVI!?" she screamed at the top of her lungs. she was getting anxious and stressed out. Levi, her uncle, wasn't home. what the hell were they gonna do now? the tornado was coming closer and closer. the sounds of rotating wind were becoming louder and louder. meanwhile, Annie, Ymir and Jean had walked around the house to find another entrance. there was a door that lead to a living room, inside the garden. Jean and  Ymir desperately tried getting that door open as well, but to no luck. why wasn't Mikasa's uncle home? he couldn't possibly be at work during this time of the day... wait... but Levi... he was...

As Armin realized that it would be completely hopeless, he walked up next to the panicking Mikasa. "Mikasa... it's not gonna help anything. Levi's not around the house." he told her, patting her shoulder. "but he said he would be home this weekend!" Mikasa shouted, slightly angry. Armin flinched, and backed off a little. "But Mikasa! isn't Levi a storm chaser?" he asked her, getting everyones attention. Mikasa slowly backed off the door, and gave herself a facepalm. "oh my god... OH MY GOD! HE'S CHASING THAT FUCKING THING!" she yelled, running around the house to tell Jean, Ymir, and Annie about it. while Ymir and Jean were helplessly trying to get the door to Levi's living room open, Annie had been studying his car. it was a big black car, almost the size of a little limousine. "everyone could probably fit in this car... i could drive everyone to safety..." she mumbled to herself. Mikasa came running around the corner of the house, with the speed of a cheetah on hunt. Annie noticed her, but only followed her with her eyes. Mikasa came, and told Ymir and Jean about why Levi wasn't home.  "well then what the hell do we do now!?" Jean ranted, also panicking like crazy. 

Annie knew what she had to do. she was convinced Mikasa's uncle wasn't gonna like it, but heck, did they have any other options?

Annie counted to three, as she stood in her beautiful unique fighting stance. one... two... three. then she smashed the window to the front seat. it seemed like everyone had heard it, because they all ran from the doors to Annie and Levi's car. "Annie! what the actual?..." Mikasa didn't get to finish her sentence, since Annie cut her off. Annie opened up the car, and told everyone to get inside. this was now or never. their lives depended on this. Annie removed all the glass from the two front seats, then sat down right behind the wheel. "Mikasa! you get in the seat next to me and guide me, since i don't know this place! everyone else, GET IN!" she commanded. to Annie's luck, everyone did as she said, with no complaints whatsoever. "uncle Levi is gonna make me pay for that fucking window..." Mikasa mumbled annoyed. "i'll make sure to pay for it Mikasa, don't worry." Annie reassured her. Mikasa sighed, with slight relief. "uh... not to bother you Annie... but uh... WE HAVE A TORNADO RIGHT ON OUR FUCKING TAIL. LET'S GET OUTTA HERE ALREADY!" Eren screamed at her. Annie looked at the steering wheel in front of her. "wow... whoever that Levi guy is, he's an idiot. who leaves their keys in the car?" Annie chuckled slightly. she turned the keys, starting the car. 

"Annie, do you really think you can drive a car?" Historia asked, with a scared tone in her voice. "no, but i'll do it anyway." Annie replied, moving the car out on the street slowly. "Mikasa, wouldn't it be a good idea if we tried finding your uncle?" Bertholdt asked, sweating nervously. Mikasa nodded in response. "then we should try driving around the tornado, and behind it. or something like that." she said silently. Annie sighed with a tense expression on her face. 

"then let's get the hell out of here." 

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