Chapter 7

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"Thank you guys!" I screamed to the crowd. "We love you!!" We waved goodbye as we excited the stage.

"I don't think I'll ever get sick of this." Josh smiled. We smiled and agreed.

We were all on such a high. Performing makes us do that. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

"That was really good!" Someone said from behind us.

I turned to see who it was. "Thanks, Jack!" I hugged him, but he backed away.

"You're all sweaty!" He put his hands up in surrender.

"As if you don't do the same thing to me, when it's the other way around." I scoffed.

He smiles innocently. "Me? Oh, Jamie, I would never do that!"

"Of course you wouldn't." I rolled my eyes at him. Then I smirked at him. His eyes widened and he started walking away quickly, but I was faster. I jumped on his back, and wiggled, trying to get him as wet as possible -don't be dirty, I don't mean it like that.

"Ewwww!!" He screeched. "Jamie!!"

"That's what you get!" I laughed. "You've done that so many times to me!" I complained.

He laughed, "Okay, okay, I deserve it. Now get off."

"No." I said, resting my chin on his shoulder.

"Jamie." He complained, making me laugh.

I heard a small cough behind us, making Jack turn us around. "Oh, hey, Andy."

"Hey." He nodded.

"Help me get this monkey away from me!" Jack complained, trying to get me away from me. I smirked holding on even tighter to him.

Andy chuckled lightly. "I would, but I can't." He said, lifting his now really purple hand to us. I furrowed my eyes brows together, and got off Jack.

"Oh, thank God, you're heavy." Jack said, making me narrow my eyes at him. He put his hands up and backed away from me. "I gotta go. We go on in like fifteen minutes, the guys are gonna be pissed at me."

He waved at me, then pointed at Andy. "You might wanna go check that out, it doesn't look too good." Then he ran off the stage, almost falling on his face, making me roll my eyes and chuckle.

"I thought you were going to the hospital." I folded my arms across my chest, and raised a questioning eyebrow at Andy.

"That's, uh, what I wanted to ask you." He looked down at the ground. "Can you, maybe, uh, come with me?" He ran his hand through his hair uncomfortably.

I was taken aback at his request, "Why?"

"Why what?" He asked.

"Why me?"

He rubbed the back of his neck with his good hand. "You know how much I hate hospitals." He said quietly.

My expression softened, "Alright."

He looked up at me with a shocked expression, "You will?" He asked.

"Yes," I sighed, "Let's get an uber over here."

He took his phone out and smiled widely and all I did was roll my eyes.

We waited out the front of the concert grounds, away from people. The Uber was only going to take about five minutes to here, which wasn't so bad. We were both done with our sets today, and we didn't have any meet and greats, so it worked out pretty good. The only downfall, was that I had to be alone with Andy.

Rock N Roll ( Andy Biersack / BVB )Where stories live. Discover now