Chapter 5

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<Andy's POV>

I had been keeping a close eye on Jamie all night, making sure she wouldn't get herself into any trouble, when John went by. My blood began to boil. All I wanted to do was punch him, and tell him to stay the hell away from her. But, I couldn't; and that made me even more upset.

They started to leave together. His stupid hand was on her hips. I grabbed the glass of untouched beer so hard, I thought I was going to break it.

She suddenly stopped and looked around. Her gorgeous brown eyes landed on me. She smirked drunkly and turned to say something to John. He smiled down at her and grabbed her cheeks. They started kissing so passionately, I felt like I was going to be sick. I really wanted to punch that son of bitch.

I couldn't take it anymore. I left my untouched beer on the table, got up and left.

On my way to back to the tour bus, I couldn't help thoughts circling around in my head.

They'll probably sleep together. She's wasted, he'll probably do whatever he wants to her. I stopped dead in my tracks. Maybe I should go back. She could be in trouble. "It's called friends with benefits, Andy." Her voice ringed in my ears. She's had sex with him before. It's not something she hasn't done it before.

Without thinking I punched the side of our tour bus.

"Fuck!" I groaned. Pretty sure I broke my hand.

I angrily opened the door to the bus and went in. It was all my fault. If I hadn't done what I did, she could've maybe still be mine.

I should've just drank. Theses voices would just keep my up all night. I sighed, changed my clothes and went to bed.

My hand was throbbing like crazy and it hurt like hell, but I took as a distraction to keep my thoughts away from Jamie.

After awhile, I heard someone come in. I automatic suspected to be one of the guys, and shrugged it off.

Not until whoever it was went in my bunk. I almost kicked them in the balls, telling them to get the hell away from me, when I heard a small voice mumble, "Why are you always sleeping in my bunk?"

My heart stopped. It couldn't be. I was now imaging things. Why would Jamie be here? Did I get on the wrong bus? No, I wasn't drunk, this was definitely my tour bus.

She got in and snuggled to my side.

What the fuck do I do? If I leave her here and she wakes up, she's probably going to cut off my balls.

But, I wasn't the one who stumbled inside someone else's bus. My brain argued.

I sighed, might as well tell her she got on the wrong bus.

I slowly turned around to face her. She had taken off her clothes and put on my shirt. Her hair was all over the place, and her makeup was smudged around her eyes. She was mess, yet to me, she was beautiful.

"Jamie." I whispered. I touched her arm lightly. "You're on the wrong bus."

She groaned, moving to different position.

"Jamie." I said louder. "Babe, you're on the wrong bus." I chuckled.

"Shhh." She shushed me, moving closer to my chest.

She wrapped her arms around my waist, and that's when I realized she didn't have a bra. Instantly Little Andy started acting up -literally.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no." I groaned. "Not now." I tried not to think of how her breast felt against my bare chest. I can't have her wake up and see that I have a bulge.

After awhile, I felt better. I was going to try and wake her up again, but I decided I'd do it later. I just wanted to enjoy the moment.

I wrapped my arms around her, and pulled her closer. I sighed in content. Not only was she sleeping in my arms, she wasn't with John, and that made me smile.

Yeah, I'll just wake her up later.


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