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I walked to the swimming area nearby and saw my bestie Angel waiting for me.

"Georgie! Oh come on lets go in!"
She pulled my hand and walked briskly in the swimming area.

As I went inside the team was doing laps and one of them was Emil my swimmer brother.

"Look its Carlos!" Angel squealed

"Oh..yeah it is Carlos" a voice from behind said

When they turned around it was Mark.

"Yo Angel! So watching Carlos?"
Mark said to Angel.

"Mark it is very obvious. Cant you tell?" Georgette said with a voice of irritation.

"Well there are other swimmers here. Cant you tell?" Mark was copying Georgette using the last sentence.

Georgette glared at him and looked to the direction of screaming and squealing girls pointing at Mark.

"Do you have to bring your FANGIRLS with you?" Angel said to Mark who is also glaring at him.

Mark raised his hands in surrender " I am innocent!"

"Mark....you have to get the girls outta here. The swimmers cannot focus" Carlos said in an annoyed voice

Angel was holding Georgette's hand tightly. Making Georgette know she's practically nervous.

Then Mark yelled "Hey girls! Get away from here or there will be no autographs next week"

Suddenly like magic the crowd of girls ran from different exits.

Then Mark sang " I've got the magic in me..."

"Shut up will ya! You'll create a tsunami here were near the water. Ohhh....uhhh...Hi Angel!"
Carlos said with a face blushing.

"H-hi Carlos. You were good out there, looks like you became better." Angel said with her cute smile making Carlos smile too.

But suddenly a girl wearing heels walked in. She was slim and was wearing shorts.

"Hey Carlos!" She said in a sweet voice "I saw you and you were more than AMAZING!" she said while she kissed Carlos's cheek.

It was no other than Ivy. She was one of the most confusing girls in school. At least every week she has a boy to be with.

(Well lets say she chases boys. Well....really true)

"Oh hey Angel! Did not know you were here. Anyways Carlos is my boyfriend now so excuse us." Ivy said looking at her.

"Okay...then" Angel said

"Right...boyfriend. New puppet again Ivy?" Georgette insulted her making Ivy's face go red.

"Well excuse me. At least I have alot of boys that admire me and treat me like a goddess" she said while flipping her hair.

"Hhmmm...how about Jake then? Left him already?" I said while looking at her with a look of mischief.

"Georgette lets go. I dont want to cause any trouble here." Angel said walking through Ivy

But when Angel was about to walk past her. Ivy placed her heels near where Angel was going and she tripped.

"Ouch! Geez be kinder next time!" Angel said with an angry voice.

"Whatever loser!" Ivy said and took Carlos.

Georgette and Mark helped Angel up.

"Guess this was a bad timing Angel we better go." Mark said while patting her back.

"That stupid Bitch!" Angel said and suddenly covering her mouth.

"Oh I am sorry please forgive me. I'll never say that again!" Angel said in a worried voice.

"Angel its fine people curse when they are mad." Mark said while making Angel calm down.

"Oh yeah guys wanna go to the mall for some starbucks?" Mark asked while smiling.

"Waitey wait. Let me text Lucas he might scold me again for not telling him where I will be going"
Georgette said while texting.

"He is very protective of you. And thats a great thing." Angel said while smiling.

"Well he said I can go but go home before 6. And remember that." Georgette said while poking Mark's head.

They went in Mark's ferrari and headed straight to the mall.

Hello guys!
Chapter 4 done, and we now have a villain introducing Ivy Miller.

Yeah...so do I have to explain anything? No? Ok

Cya!♥ (=~=)

"Friendship Promises" (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now