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We told mom and dad everything and included Georgette's decision.

"Alright we will contact your grandpa. Georgette dear its alright." Mom said while stroking my sister's soft brown hair.

"Come now lets go and contact him. You guys need to go upstairs and let Georgette sleep with us okay?" Mom said and kissed my sister's cheek.

She nodded and went straight to Emil who was holding his arms out.

We went upstairs and prepared for bed.

I was brushing Georgette's hair while she sat on my lap.

Matt was making Georgette smile which worked perfectly.

Emil was also joining Matt's happy therapy.

Georgette giggled at some jokes and smirked at the lame ones.

"Thanks guys! I feel better now!" She said and kissed our foreheads.

"Hey guys remember when the four of us used to sleep together."
Matt said while smirking.

"Uumm...yeah." I looked at him.

"Do you remember when Georgette used to bite us when we tickle her."

Georgette's eyes went wide.

"And?!" She said glaring at Matt.

"I remember how that hurts!" Matt snorted.

"Well do you also remember when Lucas sleeps. He keeps on murmuring words?" Matt said and they laughed at me.

"Well do you remember when Mark used to drool and fart in his sleep?" I said and Matt turned red.

We all laughed and Matt could not help but turn red like a tomato.

"Boys?" Mom said opening my door.

"Oh! Georgie dear you want to sleep with your brother's?"

She nodded and mom said goodnight.

We turned the lights off and Georgette slept between us.


I was so upset I cant believe him.

All those days of loving him turned to trash.

All those days of being his one and only changed.

What did I do wrong?

Was I too rude.

Am I hard to love?

Im so broken.

A part of me is missing.

I closed my eyes and heard Matt snore.

"Shut up Matt!" I said and pinched his nose.

He woke up with a start and looked around him.

We were snorting and went back to sleep.


We all got our stuff ready for Italy and was just waiting for the day.

Me and my besties enjoyed our last moments together having a girl's day.

When the day came.

"Bye mommy. Bye daddy!" I said goodbye to them.

A workman from grandpa will drive us to the airport.

"Take care my children. Ti amo!"

We waved goodbye and placed our suitcases in the back of the car.

In the airport my friend's said their last goodbye's.

We promised to still keep in touch.

As we boarded the private plane the stewardess bowed.

"You dont have too..." Emil said.

We sat together and imagined what will it be in Italy.

"Will I meet good friends there?" Emil asked himself.

"Bet they are friendly!" Matt said.

"Will we stay in the mansion?" I asked the flight stewardess.

"Yes Miss Georgette!" The stewardess smiled.

"Aw sweet!" Matt exclaimed.

*Mark did not say goodbye*

John gave me a goodbye gift and I decided to open it.

Inside was a necklace with each of their faces except Mark.

Then a note slipped out.

Dear Georgette,

It's me Mark.
Im very sorry that I hurt you.
I felt miserable!

I cant believe myself.
I shouldn't have done that.
But its too late to apologize.

My wish for you is,
You'll be a great woman soon.
Hopefully you'll be successful someday.

I love you so much and please do not blame yourself.
Will you keep this promise?

That when you come back here, you fully forgive me and accept me back.

We broke up already so its not  lover's promises but,

"Friendship Promises"

Please wait for me,

With all my heart,
Mark Andrei Santos

My heart sank.

I started to cry quietly.

"I promise Mark! I promise!" I whispered to myself holding the note close.


Hey guys MissC here!
Yes! Now you know why its called Friendship Promises!

Hopefully you wont be sad about this chapter.

Thanks for the 100 views guys!
Lovey love you!! >3<

Hopefully you enjoyed this!

"Guys I think I cant update for some days so please be patient!"

Cya Friends! (=~=)♥

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