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We were at my home because Angel changed the location.

Angel was muttering names and shook her head a million times before she looked at me.

"What? Figured it out?"

"Oh my goodness gracious, this handwriting is......JARED'S!" Her eyes were wide open.

"The heck?! You must be kidding right?"

"Do I look like I am kidding? The thing is why does he like you? Why would he send you these letters?" Angel wondered.

"Actually when Mark and Jared are around me they seem to be very tense."

"That is called rivalry, they are rivals for your love!" Angel said squealing like a little pig.

"Excuse me, Mark and Jared are just friends to me!" I protested.

"Georgette I have a question."


"Are they fighting?" Angel asked tilting her head.

"Uh..kinda...yes...maybe..." I replied looking around.

"Rivalry it is!" Angel said putting her hands in the air.

"Your weird. Im not even you know what guys want!"

"Beauty Queen?" Angel lifted her eyebrow.

"Exactly! See..." I replied making her shake her head.

"Like,seriously, they are tense with each other. Does that mean something to you?"

I laughed nervously.

"Okay then. What will we do?"

"We are going to be spies!" I stared at her.

"Spies? Like find info?"

"Exactly! So we can solve the puzzle to why they are fighting."

*This is gonna be tough*

During Physical Education both of them were in my class which makes it easy to spy.

Mr. Watson blew his whistle.

"Okay class our sport today will be basketball so boys only."

Angel sat next to me "Lets see this fight!"

I rolled my eyes at her and looked at the team below.

Mark & Jared were opponents and both leaders of their own teams.

Girls were cheering on different sides.

Some were cheering at Mark,
Some were with Jared.

But Mr. Watson raised his hand.

"Team leaders to make this tense do you want a bet?"

Screams erupted from the bleachers.

They smirked at each other and Jared spoke.

"Who ever wins will have a date with Georgette."

*What the Hell?!*

"Bestie!! See that rivalry!! Can you believe it!!" Angel yelled at me.

Girls were squealing at me.

"Omg you are so lucky!"

"Oh how I wish I was you!"

"Well girl you are so lucky!"

I cant believe my ears am I really the reason why these two are so unfriendly with each other?

Mr. Watson blew his whistle and the game began.

Now this is not gonna end well!

The two teams were passing the ball and most of the time Mark's team scores.

Jared also scores but then there was a tie.

"This is not gonna end well!" A voice came from behind.

It was Ivy!

"What do you mean?"

"Actually let me explain, they were fighting near the hallway and spatting words at each other.
They keep on fighting about this 'she' or 'her'."

"I think my guess is right all along. Like its been awhile since they were fighting."

"Why are you so kind today? And did you even remember that you tripped me in the pool?" Angel said looking at her up and down.

"Listen, its all around the school. And well if you are not that much of chit chatters you wont discover it. Anyways I'll go."

"Jared's team wins!!" Mr. Watson declared.

My head turned to the direction of Mr. Watson with wide eyes.

*Oh No....*

Jared then walked over to Mark and grinned at him saying.

"Who'll date her now?"

Mark groaned and Jared pushed him aside making Mark fall into the ground.

I ran to him and helped him up.

"Mark are you alright?" I asked.

"Hey Georgette when will the date be?" Jared asked me.

"There is no way I am going with you. And how dare you use me in a bet!"

"Then tell me if you want to try." Jared said and walked away.

After the game I felt miserable.

"How will I do this?"I muttered while going to my locker.

"Aha!" I exclaimed and ran to where me and Mark used to play when we were little kids.

The big tree near the lake was a big childhood memory.

We always play there, share secrets and draw underneath the tree.

When I arrived it was still strong and standing.

Then I called Mark on the phone.

"Mark can you come to the big tree near the lake? I have some questions to ask you."

Hey Guys MissC here!
New chapters are going fast because its sembreak!
Soooo.....rivalry huh?

Well lets see what happens in the next chapter!

Cya friends! (=~=)♥

"Friendship Promises" (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now