One Direction Reunion

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"I can't believe it, you're really back!"

I'm enveloped in a huge hug, two pairs of muscular arms wrapping around my thin torso. I breath in the familiar scent of Niall and Liam and can't help the smile that breaks across my face.

"It's so good to see you" I tell them and I hate how serious and desperate my voice sounds as I cling them closer to me.

"We've really missed you, mate" Niall tells me sincerely as he pulls away, "it's not been the same without you"

I grin lopsidedly, "it's definitely been quieter without you" I sling an arm around his neck and bring him into a head lock, messing up his hair. By the way I so easily grab Niall, I know he isn't trying to resist. I've lost all the strength I had before. I already hated the fact that I was shorter than all the other boys but I relished in the fact I had bigger biceps than them all. Now everyone is toned and muscular and I've deteriorated into what looks like a food deprived child's body.

I try not let it bother me but standing beside four huge giants with rippling muscles on show, it becomes hard for it not to.

Zayn grabs me into a tight hug, "I've missed you so much" he tells me and the emotion is laced thick in his soft voice. He gives me a playful tweak to the cheek, "I've been worried sick, you know" he tells me, his eyes showing both relief for my return but also concern and sorrow.

"I'm sorry Zayn, things are back to normal now though. There'll be no need for you to worry about me anymore" I tell him, puffing my chest and trying to appear strong and determined. No one needs to know that inside I'm still as confused as the day the doctor diagnosed me with Bi-Polar disorder. My thoughts are so jumbled and I feel like I've been switched onto auto pilot, just going through the motions of surviving each day but not actually feeling any emotions. The drug that I'm on just now; lithium, is powerful and has many side effects, leaving me feeling dead and zombie like. The doctor says it's all part and parcel of my body becoming used to it, and that despite the crappiness I'm feeling it is indeed helping balance my emotions. But truth be told, I'd rather be the depressed maniac I was before instead of this robotic shell that I am just now.

Harry steps forward.

"So, your all okay now?" He asks uncertainly. The way he approaches me reminds me of my sister this morning and the way she appeared hesitant. Remembering about Phoebe, I look down to my wrist.

The words, "My Hero" shine up at me and I bravely smile at Harry.

"Of course, it's nothing I can't handle"

"You have a concert on Friday at the Wembley Arena and then Saturday, an interview for 4music and then a radio interview for forth 1, Sunday we need to get some footage for your new music video aaand" Greg, our manager pauses, scanning the many pieces of paper in front of him, "that is all"

'That is all'

I feel like screaming with stress already. I was supposed to be coming back to a quiet schedule so I could slowly get back in to the swing of things.

"Hey, Louis" Greg calls. I look up from playing with my bracelet, "it's good to have you back. The boys have been right moody buggers without you around" he smiles, genuine relief flashing across his features before he starts to pass the set list around.

I sit back in my chair and try to conceal my happy smile as Greg's words play over in my head.

To think that the boys missed me just as much, maybe more as I missed them made my heart warm. I think that maybe I will enjoy my return to work, I'd been too quick to judge.

And looking around at all the beaming faces of the boys I knew I had been.

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