The seconed date

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(Luke's POV)

I couldn't wait to see my blue-eyed blond-haired beauty.

It was 7:20 so I headed to the Location.

Hello, love, I called as I saw her standing there in a blue dress that matches her eyes.

She smiled at me like she just been giggling about something.

Are you OK I Asked?

I'm fine Skyler said.

We ate then we watched the stars above.

I pulled her closer to me where her head leaned on my chest.

She sighed and closed her eyes.

Ten minutes had passed when told her that she should head back to her cabin before the harpies come.

What about you are gonna stay here She asked me a yawn following right after.

I gonna stay for a little then head to my Cabin.
Don't stay too long or your gonna get caught she says to me.

I laugh and tell her I'm a son of Hermes I never get caught
I quickly kiss her as she gets up and heads back to her Cabin

(Skyler POV)

I walked back to my cabin making sure that I didn't wake up anyone in my cabin.

I went to get changed and got in my bunk and passed out.

I dreamed about My time with Luke.

I woke up to a racket outside my brothers and Ares was auguring.

Then I heard Annabeth's voice say Apollo, Ares chill.

Then everything went haywire when one of my brothers cursed Ares to rhyme for a whole.

I got dressed and went to see what the problem was.

I asked one of my brothers what happened.

Ares is a BS that what HE SAID.

Shh, I say.

OK, he said.

I saw Luke walking with his brother Travis he winked at me.

I blushed my brothers didn't notice but Annabeth did.

She walked over to me.

Are you back together she asked me

Yeah, we are I said.

(Luke's POV)

I was talking to my brother about Skyler.

Well kind of.

This girl sounds like one of a kind says, Travis.

Yeah, she is I said.

Skyler would think I an idiot talking about her to my brother but I didn't say her name so hah.

It was time to leave camp now I can see her more now.

The daughter Apollo falls for the son of hemes(love story)Where stories live. Discover now