Chapter 13:
Rose hadn't said a word since I told her the truth. I wasn't sure if that was good or very bad. Me and her were both ready to go home, and that was good. We both quickly changed from the hospital gowns to our clothes. Once we were ready everyone said their goodbyes and wished us a safe trip home. Rose began to walk home ignoring a car right in front of her. She was mind set on walking. We both walked home, I was worried for her.
"Rose? Are you gonna ever talk again?"
She answered and ran ahead. This was not my Rose. My Rose was always smiling and playful. But something has now changed. I was hoping this would wear off of she saw her friends. Hopefully they could turn her around. We finally reached the house and she stopped short of the door. She fell to the ground and burst into tears. There was no hope of me getting through to her. She was damaged and she may never be fixed. I slowly passed her, head held low, and opened the door. That was a mistake. There on the floor, and couch, were Lauren and Jace. They hurried to cover themselves, but it was pointless. I had already seen enough.
"What happened here?" I asked in my Alpha tone, making them both cringe slightly.
"Well we are mates. So we made it official."
"Please don't be mad" Lauren said exposing her left shoulder which now had a bite on it. The bite was the evidence of a claim. Her and Jace had completed the mating bond and even claimed each other.
"Good job morons. Now Jace has to go home and Lauren must stay here" I said folding my arms over my chest.
"I won't leave!" Jace said protectively.
"Get out!!" I heard a very loud and very authoritative voice say from behind me. It was Rose and she was furious.
"I want the two of you out of my house in five minutes or you both die."
"Rose isn't that a bit..."
"Luke! Not now." She was so far gone, just so furious, that I knew nothing would make her happy again.
Her eyes had already grown dark bags under them and her skin was paler than normal. She needed to eat, she needed to sleep, and she needed to be herself again. She was now in the shower, hopefully it was helping her relax. While she took her shower I planned on making her a big meal. It was about dinner time so I figured I'd make a nice dinner and then we could go to bed. I made us steaks with fries and vegetables, and chocolate cake for dessert. I had it all arranges on the table all ready for her to enjoy when she came out of the shower.
Once out of the shower, and dressed, she made her way downstairs to eat. She ate in total silence, which was very unusual. She finished her food and went upstairs to bed. I quickly followed, hoping to make her smile at least a little. She was already curled up in bed and looked so beautiful and comfy when I made my way to the door. I stopped in the doorway just to catch a glimpse of her so beautifully.
"Take a picture it lasts longer" she said turning to me.
"But a picture would do no justice. Your beauty can't be claimed in a simple picture" I said smiling at her.
"Stop being all gushy. I don't like when you're all lovey. It makes me feel all girly."
"So you're mad that I made you feel like a girl?" I questioned with a chuckle.
"Yes" she said laughing. "Stop. I wanna be grumpy not all smiley."
"But I like you all smiley better" I said curling up in bed with her.This day had a bad start and didn't look so good but somehow I turned it around.
The typical yet so real life of a werewolf (EDITED)
AçãoThey are sisters but finding out one special secret, tears them apart. Their lives used to be peaceful and happy, but what happens now when one girl has to leave, and the other girl has to kill her own father?