[10] dreams that have been forgotten

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Scott began to fade away, like dust "Scott?!" I screamed in panic trying to stop what was happening. But failed. I was swallowed by darkness, unable to see a thing. "What do you want?!"
I screamed, not in pity, but in anger. The reoccurring experience seemed to take a toll on me.

"Do you ever wonder why you cry so much more in your sleep?" The familiar voice asked. I stayed silent suddenly becoming intimidated by the voice.
"Well that's because you forget everything, but one dream, remember lia you have forgotten"

"You're focusing on the wrong ones lia"

"Am I just living one big dream? Is this a dream?" I shivered, realising the reality of everything. "Is my whole life a dream?" I repeated.  " Is reality a dream?"


Tears streamed down my face, my palms were sweaty. I took a deep breath in, closed my eyes and lay down on the cold floor. "Remember" I said before falling into a deep dark sleep.
Screaming. Crying. Fire. Void. Awakened. Fear. Pain. Controlling.
Stiles Stilinski. Save him.

I jumped up, to find myself in a classroom, "lia what have I told you about sleeping in my lessons!!" My teacher screamed slamming her ruler onto my desk. "I need to save them!" I said, grabbing my stuff and running out of lesson.

I looked around the school, "Scott?" I asked, tapping him on the shoulder. He shot around, "Yeah?" He asked. "I know how to help you and your friends, I need to help Stiles!" I stuttered. "Wait, who are you?" Scott sheepishly smiled.

"I'm lia, nice to meet you just let me help you" I repeated again. "Explain maybe?" He chuckled. "I know about Void, I know everything" I explained, praying he'd be able to catch along.
"Oh my god, how - how do you know this?!" He asked.

"It's a long story" I huffed, I felt tears make their way up my eyes. It all felt real, what I had with Scott. How he protected me. How he cared. How he was so loving. How in the matter or a month I was so attached to him. And it was all a dream.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me all the way to the lacrosse field, "so you know about me?" He asked, clearly worried how some random girl knows everything. "Yeah, you're a werewolf" I shrugged trying to make him calm.
"Who told you this?" He asked.
"No one! Look, I have these dreams where I can sense someone being held possession of a demon, someone who's being controlled. I have these powers, almost like Scarlet Witch?" I explained, referring to his and Stiles obsession with comic books and their crush Scarlet Witch.

"I dreamt, I saw stiles and you and I were friends I was friends with all of you Alison, Lydia and Stiles. And I saw void, he was inside stiles inside his head, it all started with a tree? I'm not quite sure with that one" I continued.

"I remember you" he said looking up from his feet. "I remember you, Lia"


How was chapter ten?

PLOT TWIST!! It was all a dream!
I thought this would give the story a better storyline. Like I can give myself a fresh start.

- ps finally off writers block :)

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