Chapter 3

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"um" was all I said. What the fuck am I supposed to do!? Do I let him in or tell him no?! I don't know if I should trust him because he's drunk half the time..Ugh I'll just let him in.

"What do you want?" I shouted.

"We really need to talk." Is all he said.

"fine come in"

"Ok Em, listen to me. I know I'm a terrible father. I know I got your mother to start drinking, but I honestly regret all of that. I want to fix all of this. I made your life hell, and I'm going to fix it."

"You can't fucking fix it."

"Well, I can try. I know how much you like Demi Lovato. So, I got you and Kayleigh tickets. They're V.I.P and you get to meet her. You also have backstage passes. The concerts in Boston. It's not far, but, if you want, you can go to a hotel for the week. I would say yes because I already booked the hotel."

I was in disbelief. My dad. Buying me and Kayleigh tickets. To a Demi Lovato concert. How the fuck did he even find out I liked Demi? Whatever. I can't believe he got me tickets! Oh my gosh!

"Oh my fucking god! Seriously! Thank you so much!" I shouted.

"The concerts a week from tomorrow, so I suggest you start packing. I already checked with Kayleigh and her parents. She's going to meet you here tomorrow at noon with a cab, so you should start packing now."

"I'm going to! Oh my god thanks!"

"Your welcome!" He yelled as he walked out and closed the door. I'm freaking out! He bought me tickets to THE Demi Lovato! I am going to see Demi Lovato in person! Omg! I can't wait!

I went to my closet and pulled out the biggest bag I could find and started filling it. I threw clothes and bracelets and various Demi merch I smuggled offline.

I swear I was packing all night. I wasn't tired at all either. When I was finished packing it was 1:30 a.m. I couldn't go to sleep at all. To pass the time I went on my phone and checked twitter. I usually see when Demi tweets but stalked her anyways. I was on her profile for what felt like 4 minutes, but turned out to be 4 hours.

I was actually tired. I couldn't fall asleep though. I just thought about things.

"why did I even thank my dad? he was a total dick to me and I acted like I loved him. wtf emma?"

As I was thinking, my thoughts were interrupted by something. something I had heard before. I knew exactly what it was, and it was slowly but steadily.

It was my inner deamons.

They had gone away for awhile and I was doing so good that I thought they'd go away for good. But they didn't.

The thoughts kept coming at me like bullets to my head.

"Your such and ugly cow"

"You deserve all the stuff your parents are doing to you, and what your doing to yourself"

"You don't deserve to goto the fucking concert and meet your idol"

"You deserve to fucking die"

The thoughts just kept coming and coming and coming; more and more bullets to the head. Hours of non-stop bullets to the head. I couldn't take it all at once. So I did what I think anyone would do.

I screamed.

I screamed a loud as I could for as long as I could.

I stopped once I realized that I only had 3 hours to get ready.

I jumped out of bed and got into the shower as fast as I could. I didn't want to disappoint Kayleigh; I love her too much! (As a friend of course; I'm not lesbo.)

I swear I took a 5 minute shower, and thats not good for me.

I got out and put makeup on. Without makeup I look totally different; Kayleigh nor anyone else has seen me without makeup. I do cake my face with it, I'll be honest. I don't think its that bad to...

But to some girls do so whatever.

A little before noon, I heard a car pull into the driveway. I looked out the window and saw Kayleigh run at record speed through the front door and scramble up the stairs, running head first into my bedroom door. I opened the door and looked at her, laying on the floor, groaning, holding her head. I went to the mini - fridge in my room and got her an Ice pack.

"Nice going princess joy" I said as I dropped it on her face.

Kayleigh stood up and walked over to my bed and sat on the end of it, Ice pack on her head.

"So ya all ready?" She said

"Yeperdoodles!" I shouted back.

I am honestly in the worst mood right now. Depressions taking over, but I'm just faking smiles and thats okay with me. As long as nobody notices. And nobody has so.

Kayleigh skipped over to my bag, zipped it up, and joyfully skipped out to put it in the car.

"C'mon Emma we gotta go!" I heard from downstairs.

I walked to my bathroom and pulled out a small bag, I shoved my blade, two bottles of sleeping pills, and four bottles of antidepressants in it. I know I shouldn't take them, but I'm almost positive I'll need them. I shoved the bag under my arm and walked downstairs.

"Ready to go!" I said


I ran out to the car as fast as I could, and jumped in the back seat.

"Let us be off!" Kayleigh's mom shouted.

And so we were off.

The car ride was less than an hour, but it was complete torture. The whole entire time, Kayleigh looked sad.

Kayleigh's a gorgeous girl, with long blond hair, curvy body, and a thigh gap; something I've always wanted.. Me on the other hand, I'm a normal girl, not pretty at all, brown hair that goes down to about my boobs, fat- even though peopleget jealous of my body- and  my thighs touch. I hate myself.

I can't stop thinking about Kayleigh.

"Last name please." The man at the desk said when we walked up.

"Hemmings" I said.

"Ahh Miss. Hemmings your room is right this way." The man at the desk said before signaling for another man, probably the Bellhop, to take our bags.

Whenever I say my last name is Hemmimgs, peoples eyes light up. I don't get it. I'm Emma Hemmimgs. It sounds really weird to be honest, but why do people freak out?

Me and Kayleigh got on the elevator with the man, and we went to the 8th floor.

Once we got off the elevator the man went straight back down.

"Someone's grumpy" I mutter under my breath.

Room 842.

Me and Kayleigh walk all the way down the hall until we finally reach our room. We unlock the door and I go straight for the beds. I was so tired I could pass out, but I didn't. I took one bed, Kayleigh took the other.

"Hey Kayleigh what days the concert?"

"Uh Thursday I think" She said not looking up from her phone.

Today's Monday. The concerts on Thursday. We leave on Saturday. UGH.


hope you guys like this chapter(:

Okay funny story.

I read a fanfic about One Direction, 5sos, and some youtubers and now I'm obsessed with 5sos. So I'm tying that into this fanfic. Sorry if I caught you off guard, I'm just obsessed.

Comment what to do in the next chapter☆

Next Update- Soon bc I'm on vaca(:

Early update- 300 reads and 25 votes♡

She Saved Me {A Demi Lovato fanfiction} ||DISCONTINUED||Where stories live. Discover now