Chapter 8

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What am I fighting for?

There must me something more

For all these words I sing

Do you feel anything?

Outside Diara and her friends were trying to start conflict with me. Then all of a sudden we heard '' Uh-Huh! Not My Friend!'

 Diara's hoodrat friend was all up in my face, Samantha stood at my side with her hands on her face silently.

 ''Oh you not cute, just because you pregnant don't make you boss!''Diara yelled.

''Girl shut up with your dirty stained thot boots!'' I snapped. Samantha must have went over her head because she uncovered her face and came toward Diara with a sucker punch in the face. Samantha looked as she was goku for a minute, she looked like she was going super saiyan.  

Diara got strength and got on top on Samantha pounding her face, Samantha kicked and aimed her punches at no specific place. No one knew how much I wanted to fight Diara right now, Samantha grew back her strength and pounded Diara in the face knocking her to the ground in a pile of her own blood. Diara became scared and got up quickly , signaled her friends to follow and hop in her car driving off.

 '' Sammy you good, You know if I--''

 '' Im good, I just wasn't ready for all this today.'' Samantha interrupted. Before she could speak again, JJ stormed out of Chuck e Cheese and to his car angrily.

 '' JJ You Good?'' Sam asked. JJ looked at her and hopped into the car and drove off, leaving Sam and I confused at what happen. I decided to text him:

 You Okay? You didn't say bye.. But when you ready to talk ... I'm Here :) Denise ♥

 He never replied so he must have been mad, Samantha and I decided to leave and go home to fresh up after all that blood from Diara and Sam.

 We reached the house and I went straight to the refrigerator and searched for food. Maria, the maid, came and looked at me with confusion.

 '' There's food on the stove if you didn't see...'' Maria said. I looked on the stove noticing all the pots on the stove. I walked over to the cupboard and took 3 flat plates and smashed food on top of them and sat at the long table. I ate the food like a cookie monster eating cookies, Maria stared at me with a look i couldn't explain.

 ''Isn't your party this Saturday?'' Maria asked, I nodded and continued to eat my delicious food. I got up and walked to the sink, washing my three plates with some other dishes. Sarah came down stairs and looked a hot mess, she was flat ironing her phone and I think she burned her forehead because she had a long line on her forehead.

 I did something bad.....

 I looked at JJ's text message with confusion, I let Samantha read it just in case I didn't understand. I thought of what to say, I didn't know what to reply, He never even texted me that he made a mistake before because he always thought he was right.

 Wat do you mean >_<

 I walked to my room and sat on the edge of the bed in silence, Sarah continued to walk downstairs to get napkins to dry her tears from getting burned.

 I'll com over.

 I turned on the television and watched Poetic Justice for 15 minutes after being interrupted by JJ beat boxing on my room door. His face looked awful, he pounced his body on my bed

 ''Wassup?'' I asked as JJ silently laid on the bed.

 '' I Cheated.'' He replied, my heart felt like it was going to drop out of me. He couldn't even look me in the eye after he talked, I could feel so much rage inside on me.

 '' Get out.'' I yelled, He got up slowly and walked extra slow to the door.

 '' I'm not playing , You really messed up this time Cameron.'' He really got me mad now, I don't even call him by his first name.

 '' Let me explain P--''

 '' You not Kevin Hart ! Let me explain nothing! You cheated... and we're done! POINT BLANK!'' I was so furious, I wanted to run him over with a car right now.

''Would you just give me a chance to explain.. why'' JJ snapped. I took a deep breath putting my hands to my hips.

''Go ahead Cameron, I'm not stopping you .'' I snapped back.

'' Denise I'm , I'm Sorry , its just when i get drunk I do stupid stuff. When I stormed out Chuckie cheese, it was Momma tellin that Diara just came over almost fighting her for Ariana. Then I just started thinking.. about Ariana, her ghetto momma chasing me, our unborn child, then the money. . . So I went to the Uncle Kenny' Chill spot and got drunk.... Then one of my past groupies came and was touching up on me. I ain't take her home .. I didn't kiss her. Please Forgive me.'' JJ confessed. I took the time to think about what he just confessed to me.

Should I forgive him? no? yes?

''So you telling me you didnt sleep with her?''

''We touched, but when she touch that special spot, her eyes widen and she licked her lips. But then i realize i was cheating, Then i mushed her in the face saying Only my girlfriend can handle my big treasure. And she ran off to dance with some ugly boy.'' JJ replied. A tear came down my cheek as JJ put his head down in shame.

'' I cheated... and it kills me to know that I hurted you.'' He apologized. I was so in love with him, he was handsome, funny, very smart. He was also a thug, who gets money like everyday. The thug side of him wasnt so harsh unless you didnt have his money. We just stared at each other, JJ had pain in his eyes as tears rushed down his face. I wrapped my hands around him while he silent weeped on my shoulder.

''Im sorry. I beg for you love, and you presence. Everyday when i wake up I thank god for having you and even meeting you.'' He blurted.

'' Cameron .. Im kinda hurt right now, I need to think bout this.'' I replied. He looked into my eyes with hurt, he nodded his head. Samantha came in  and asked '' What happened? Whats wrong?''

''I cheated-- I got drunk and let another girl touchy touchy on me.'' Samantha's mouth dropped, as she came pushing JJ out the way and comforting me.

''You didnt fully cheat, But I know as far as yall relationship is, what you did is cheating... JJ just let this slid for a couple days and come back, Denise will probably be over it. JJ this heavy Thug of Miami Need to be low key like for real. You know how much this girl loves you. You about to have another child with your soul mate.'' Samantha said walking out angered.


I confessed to Denise that I cheated, she took it badly. I understand, I never meant to hurt her I just got drunk. Its my fault that all this is happening, My whole relationship could be in jeopardy. Now we sat in her room just staring at each other like 12 year old kids on their first date. I don't even know if she notices that I love her to bad to lose her. She's been carrying my child for like 5 to 6 months now. Diara trying to get my attention , selling me more weed then usual. I'm still repeating what Sammie said to me.

I left Denise house because I was so ashamed. I drove back to my house, When I pulled into the driveway of Momma's house, There were police and a Honda Odyssey that said ''DCF'' I hurried to park on the grass. I didn't even turn off the car, I heard Momma screaming '' No Don't take her , she safe with us ! Go find her Momma! She Did this!''

Chapter Finished. You Like? 

Chapter 9 Coming .. IDK 

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Shoutout to The Beautiful Humans reading my Storys

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