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PuppyRoss~ I'm gonna get ordained online for Pete and Patrick's wedding lol

Soulofapunk~ wait what

Soulofapunk~ ryan!?

WentzIsWack~ I'm down

Beebobaggins~ stop encouraging him

GaylyWilliams~ I fully encourage this

Soulofapunk~ breezy tell him we have that planned??

BadWolfBreezy~ patrick you did say you wanted someone you know to marry you...

BadWolfBreezy~ the puppyross volunteered as tribute

PuppyRoss~ we'll discuss it more at your bachelor party tonight, Patrick hehe

Smiththemyth~ for the love of God please do not get ordained before you get shitfaced drunk & accidentally marry him to a cactus or something

GaskBarf~ that sounds like one hell of a good time thou

TheHappyCamper~ until you get spikes up your ass

Remember That Time You Kiked Me? (Sequel To Kik Me Sometime (Peterick))Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora