Chapter 1

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California is always hot. Even in the middle of October it was hot. It was Fall for Christ's sake, can't we just get a bit of actually cool weather? But no. Practically month after month it's summer. The heat was cool for a while, coming from a place like Columbus Ohio, but now it's just plain annoying. If there's one thing I miss more than leaving my best friend in Ohio, it's the rain. Columbus never really got a ton of rain but compared to LA, Columbus seems like the rain capitol of the world.

I love the cold seasons. Fall, Winter, hell like half of Spring is rainy so I'll count it. But when every season is just summer, get me the fuck out. The sun can burn out for all I care. As long as the clouds and the cold stay I'll be good. I just want it to be hoodie season. I need it to actual feel like Fall when it's Fall.

I stared out the window of my math class as I though about all this. Math was my last class of the day at Regional High School. Math is dumb if you ask me. I'm not planning on doing anything with it in my future, so why does the educational system demand I take this hell class. I still care about my grades though. So even though I hate math I have a B in the class. I mean, why would I want to spend my time on math when I could be on tumblr, or playing drums, or getting in more work hours at Guitar Center. Real valuable things.

"Now can anyone tell me how we can find the slope of this equation?" my teacher spoke. I internally groaned.

"Josh!" she said. I whipped my head around to look at her. Shit, I hadn't been paying attention at all. I glanced at the whiteboard with the equation written on it. I knew the material but being put on the spot like this made my anxiety freak out. My brain blanked and I just sat there silent.

"BBRRRRRRIIIINNNGGGGG!" Lucky for me the bell had come to rescue me before I could perpetually embarrass myself in front of everyone. "Okay everyone! Don't forget to complete problems three through twenty one in your Geometry book on page forty two!" said the teacher even though students were already rushing out the door of the classroom. I was finally free for today. I slung my black backpack over my shoulder and swiftly left the classroom ready to start my trek home in the heat.

As I walked out into the hallway though I was met by my friend Brendon. "Spooky! Hey man!" Brendon was always overly excited. Honestly he was most likely high. Brendon was always on something. He also always insisted on calling me by what he had dubbed my rockstar name, Spooky Jim. "Hey Beebo, how's it hangin?" "Not bad Spooky Jim! You walking home today?" Brendon always had to be in on people's business. "Yeah," I responded "why do you ask?" "Well," he stated "The clique and I were thinking about going out to Taco Bell. You down?"

I stood there like a deer in headlights. I hadn't been to Taco Bell since I was thirteen. I used to love going there when I was younger. Tyler and I would spend every afternoon there getting lunch. But not now. I couldn't go back to Taco Bell and not have Tyler there. Just the mention of tacos made me think of him. I know it's been years since I've seen or heard from him. I know I should've gotten over him by this point but I just can't. He probably forgot about me years ago. I just can't let the though of him go.

"Dude?" Brendon's voice interrupts my thoughts. I must have zoned out again. "U-uh, no man I'll pass. I-i've got like homework and, uh, stuff." I responded, suddenly finding my shoes very interesting. "Well, suit yourself," said Brendon "I'll tell the guys you'll come next time." "Yeah, yeah. Okay." I mumbled. Without another word I strolled off down the hallway leaving Brendon in the dust.

Eventually I made my way out of the school and onto the sidewalk on the way to my house. Even though California is hot, Fall still looks like Fall. As I strolled down the street I noticed the brown, yellow, and various other colored leaves scattered all over the ground around me. I smiled to myself as I ran a hand through my bright red died hair. My school had a stupid no hat rule, except for sports, because hats like snapbacks could mean you were in a gang. It was so stupid. If I had it my way I'd wear my snapbacks to school, and I'd wear them backwards. That'd give the teachers a heart attack. I sighed to myself.

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