Chapter 2

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I worked on homework for over two hours before my mom finally called me down for dinner. I had barely gone through three classes worth of homework. No matter how hard I tried to study for my upcoming tests or solve slope equations, my mind kept drifting back to the message I had sent blurryfaced-pilot. Had I phrased it correctly? Did I come off too strongly? Would they even see my message and respond to me? Questions plagued my mind and I could feel myself slipping farther away from my homework and farther into my tumblr blog fantasies.

"Josh honey! Come down for dinner! The stew is ready!" My mother had called up the stairs. I knew Ashley, Abigail, and Jordan were probably already waiting for me at the table so I swiftly stood up and rushed down stairs. Strolling into the dinning room, as expected my siblings were already seated. My mother passed out bowls of her delicious stew. I carefully sat down at my usual seat at the end of the table and got ready to dive in. "Grace first!" Jordan reminded me, jokingly elbowing me in the ribs. I laughed as my mom sat down at the table and we all held hands in a circle, closing our eyes.

As usual my mother lead us in grace. "Dear heavenly father, we thank you for this food and for a roof over our heads. We pray that we all grow to live long and happy lives. Thank you for the gifts you have bestowed upon us savior. In your son Jesus name we pray, Amen." "Amen." we all responded. Opening our eyes we all dove straight into our food. "This is great mom! Thanks so much!" Ashley said, smiling. "It's no problem Ash, I'm glad you like it!" My mother smiled lovingly back at my sister. "It's a shame dad couldn't be here tonight." Abigail stated, frowning slightly and she stirred her spoon around in her broth. "Honey you know your father works hard, and because of that he has to stay there late sometimes." my mother turned her focus towards Abby now, her expression becoming one of pity and concern. Abby just sighed and didn't say any more on the subject.

My mother coughed, facing me now. "So Josh, what did you do today?" "Oh, uhm," I started "Well I-" and that's when it happened. Before I left my room I had shoved my phone back into my pocket, and in the process of doing so I must have flipped it's switch and the sound was now on. Mid sentence my phone decided to get a notification and go off during dinner. Jordan exhaled and coughed slightly, trying to hold in his laughter. "Josh honey, I thought we said no phones during dinner!" My mother's eyes piercing into mine. "I-I'm sorry, I, uh... thought that my sound was off. Huh, uh, guess not. I'm sorry mom let me get that."

The only intention I had was to flip the switch on my phone and turn the sound off. But when I pulled out my phone I saw the notification and nearly had a heart attack. "One new tumblr notification: Message from blurryfaced-pilot."

If I could describe my current emotions in a tumblr textpost it might go a bit like this:

Me: *messages tumblr senpai*

Me: *spends hours anticipating the moment when they message me back*

Senpai: Hi.


I stared down at my phone screen for one too many seconds too long. "Josh? You good bro?" Abby said, raising one eyebrow at me. My head shot up as my finger quickly flipped the switch turning the sound on my phone off. I shoved the phone back into my pocket as quickly as I possibly could. "MMmmHmm up UP j-Just fINe!" I said, hopefully convincingly enough to fool them. "EVERYTHING IS NOT FINE, HHHHHNNNNNNGGGGG!" screamed my brain. "Okay, if you say so."Jordan said scoffing and smirking at me.

Dinner continued to go by without me saying another word. I ate and slurped down my stew as fast as humanly possible. "Josh honey? Do you want more? You seem awfully hungry?" My mother asked with concern. "MMhhhMhMhMh NOOP NOP i am SooOO gOOD! JUST, uh...uh, GoT some more, HOMEWORK! YUP! GOTTA BLAST!" I laughed and spoke, extremely nervously. "Alright hon!" my mother smiled returning her gaze back to her own stew. I quickly got up out of my chair and rushed to the kitchen, loading my dishes in the dishwasher, before sprinting up the stairs.

I got to my room and slammed the door. I rushed over to my desk and flung my computer open. I opened up tumblr and got to my messages faster than ever before. There was the chat between me and blurryfaced-pilot.

"So I know you probably get messages like these a lot but I really love your blog. I've been following you for a while now and I love everything about your blog. I love your aesthetic and your humor, and can I just say your voice is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. Sorry this probably sounds really cringey. Your ukulele playing is amazing and I love how real your performances are. Honestly your latest cover of I Can't Help Falling in Love With You made me more than tear up. Sorry I sound like such an obsessive fanboy but I love your work. Thanks, Josh, aka spooky-jishwa."

"Hey Josh! Can I call you Jish? That sounds hella cute :3 I'm Ty! Just wanted to say thank you so much! I actually don't get messages like this a lot. I really didn't know I had people that were such big fans of my work! It means a TON to me! Also I don't think my blog is goals or anything honestly, and I'm sorry if I really did make you cry. You're making me blush way too much though with all of these compliments! Thank you so much again! Much love and blushes, Ty, aka blurryfaced-pilot. P.S., Love your blog <3."

I stared stunned at the message for a moment before actually heavily breathing and internally screaming while letting out audible squeals.This beautiful creature, this beautiful, probably smol bean child, had just made not only my day but my life. "DID YOU SEE THE EMOTICONS THEY SENT YOU! YOU KNOW THEIR NAME NOW! THEY THOUGHT YOUR NICKNAME WAS CUTE! THEY SAID LOVE! YOU MADE THEM BLUSH! THEY LOVE YOUR BLOG!" My head was bursting with emotions. My body was screaming with joy. I began to audibly go into a full on fit of giggles like a five year old child the first time a kid wants to play with them during kindergarten. I was grinning from ear to ear. This beautiful bean couldn't stop me from smiling.

"I'm getting ahead of myself," I thought "You still don't know their gender, sexual preferences, what they look like, or if Ty is their real name or just a part of their name." Now those thoughts were strong and prominent in my head. But ever louder thoughts were screaming in my head making me unable to hear those thoughts. These thoughts were things like "I BET THEIR EYES ARE HAZLE! MAYBE THEY'RE CHOCOLATEY BROWN! THAT'S SO CUTE! CAN YOU PICTURE THEM BLUSHING! YOU'RE BLUSHING NOW! THEY NOTICED YOU! THEY KNOW YOU EXSIST!"

I was so caught up in the moment I nearly forgot about responding to them. But just what to say? I realized I would have to respond back eventually but I didn't want to screw up and ruin my chances of friendship, or something more even. I couldn't ruin this perfect moment. I have a tendency to screw things up.

I deeply inhaled. I deeply exhaled. And then my inbox pinged again.

I deeply inhaled even more.

"P.P.S. You woke me up at 3 in the morning but it was well worth it to read a message like this <3 ;3"

After reading this I continued to inhale and exhale for several more minutes.

Why did I have to fall in love with a blog. And a flirty one at that.

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