Red heads, Gays, and Cutters OH MY!

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Hi guys, COPYCAT here.

Sorry for the delay on material. My house was broken into and some stuff was stolen, this involves the computer, and (I was already moving) since my mom and I know who did it, we don't feel safe and are hurrying up the moving process to next week. So I was busy with that.

However, as I opened up the Wattpad app and began writing the new chapters for MP&S I got to thinking about Serenity and her friends. There is only so much that I can explain about her friends in the book itself, and even so, their true purpose for being there for her is kind of abandoned.

I forget sometimes why I created these characters and why I make them go through what they go through. Because, believe me, it's not like I wake up and think of ways to torture these sweet characters.
They all have a purpose.

So let me give you some insight into the gang of MP&S!


Amy was inspired by my dear friend, Alex. She reminds me so much of Amy in everything she does and says. Her random quirkiness just adds to the comedic relief both I and Serenity sometimes need.

Like Alex, Amy is sensitive towards her friends and personal relationships in general. I have to often present the motherly side of Amy to show that, although Amy can be rambunctious and not all there, she still sees her friends strife and wants to help them.
(Example: Chapter 14 dialogue "You noticed, right? He started wearing his long sleeves again")

Amy's home life is simple. She has no siblings and lives with her single mother. Amy had the good life for the most part. Her parents were lucky enough to end on moderately good terms, though that didn't stop the hardships.

Amy had a baby brother when she was younger. They were as close as could be, though her father gained custody when her parents split.

Although her parents had ended on a good note, her father moved farther up the country. Amy will never see her brother again after the move.

Amy's hyper nature made her ability to have friends difficult. She was rivals with Alice pretty much all her life as she was born and raised in the same place.

She met Serenity and Casper in Munoz's class and met Daryl shortly after. They have been friends ever since.


Daryl was inspired by the characters in the book Evermore (the immortal series) by Alyson Nöel
{great book series I highly recommend} and Craig from Cruel and Blue by EternalLaughter 

Daryl is gay and holds stronger relationships with females than he does male, aside from Casper.

Although he tries to be carefree he always feels kinda glued to the background. He feels left out and isolated from others even though he's friendly and can make good friendships of he wanted.

Daryl's life is more complicated than Amy's. Although his parents are together and he also holds no siblings, Daryl's parents are anything but supportive of his life style.
His father has the classic play catch in the yard, football playing, woman chasing ambition for his son.

Daryl wanted to be normal from the start of his understanding of his sexuality. He didn't want people to look down or think less of him. In fact, he denied his sexuality until his spot on the football team led him to meet a boy.  

He loved this boy, loved him with every fiber of his being. Daryl wanted nothing more than for a relationship of any kind to stem from their knowing each other.

The relationship he got was one of hatred and despise.

We all know that Alice is cynical, but we can also see that Jason is even more so.
Jason, seeing right through Daryl's veil of protection, spilled the secret about him and much more.

The boy would never  speak to Daryl again, until he moved away due to all the trouble the rumors had caused. Daryl would quit the football team the following year.

Daryl finally realized that his secret was nothing more than an exposed one.  He came out to his family and, despite how his father felt about things, he deals with it. He deals with the constant reminder that his father hates how he chooses to be--how he is.

Daryl embraced his feelings in the drums and soon met Casper, Amy, and Serenity. He found people who accepted him for his flaws and differences.


We've already delved a bit into Casper's past.
Casper also has one of the most difficult back stories and...a most tragic end.

Casper's home life is a difficult one.
In a nutshell- during difficult times his family couldn't hear, let alone understand, his strife.

Casper was in a constant middle seat, stuck in the same place as tug of war ensued between his parents.
He couldn't choose sides.

Tired of being ignored and all out feeling alone in the world Casper attempted suicide.

(Sidenote: suicide is nothing to joke around with. Casper's story was based off of my own personal experiences with self harm and I take that very seriously.
For anyone struggling with self harm, there is a way out of it, without the blades, sleeping pills and the rope.
If anyone is offended by the background of this character I sincerely apologize, I don't intend on offending anyone. But again, this was like my story and I wish to tell it)

Luckily Casper got the help he needed and reconnected with his broken home. Things were going good.

He had trouble leaving the past behind though.
After all the time he tried to make people listen, all the time he pleaded so desperately to be heard, he just couldn't think of any other person that would bother to hear what he had to say.

That is until the day he (literally ) runs into Amy. She sasses him of course, but Casper doesn't care. Even as a little middle schooler he knew he loved her and her sass.

He had made it a goal to get closer to her, and after he met and befriended Serenity he got a step closer to doing so.


What do all of these characters have I'm common?

Well, if you noticed, in the order I placed the characters and their back stories, each one gets a little worse.

Amy and her sad but mostly carefree life (mild) , Daryl and his trials with his sexuality and relationships with people (challenging), and then Casper and his life crawling out of the pit dug for him by the hate he felt (extreme).

Although they all go through different amounts of strife, they love each other and look out for one another as it is the moral code in their DNA.

They inspire me. My own creations of friendship have inspired me. (As I hope they will to you too.)

Thank you for listening Jays.

Until next time!!


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