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Continuous effort not strength or intelligence is the key to unlocking our potential.

                                                   Winston Churchill.

Determination is considered to be the foremost element when a human being plans to make an effort for someone and that was the factor that surrounded Karishma as she walked in the corridor of the campus along with Sheena in the evening. Though a part of her was in a dilemma still given the decision she had taken this morning, but she was also aware of the fact that, for achieving success, one has to cross various bridges.

And her bridge was unfortunately the most obnoxious, angry, and an arrogant male. Udit Shenoy. 

Before they could knock on the supposed door, of someone's room, Sheena pulled aside Karishma, who was taken aback by the sudden halt. Her brows knitted together as she was staring in the open space infront of her, which ofcourse was a dark land for her.

"Karishma, before we go inside, I want you to know that, he won't be easy going at all and it would be an impossible task to convince him, but still are you willing to take up the challenge?" Sheena inquired in a professional tone, hoping against hope that she won't back off.

"Ma'am, I gave you my word and I would be glad if I could use my knowledge in making someone accept their life". Karishma replied. Her tone was laced with some extreme emotions which she herself couldn't recognize but all she knew, was that she was determined to take this chance.

"Alright then. Let's knock on the door of the devil". Sheena encouraged with a teasing chuckle and a blush crept Karishma's cheek, hearing her refer Udit as a devil.

But definitely he was one cocky devil who ran high on hormones, most of the time, but it wasn't his fault. It was the circumstances that forced him to enclose himself in a shell and act as a jerk to one and all.

Sheena knocked on the door and waited for him to open it. As the footsteps screeched nearer, Karishma's heart was pounding against her chest. She was sure, he was going to blast her and might even say, something hurtful, but still she won't back off.

She felt something for him, which surely wasn't pity or sympathy, but it was humanity to help one suffering human who was locking himself up in his past pains.

"Ms. Chuckle, how did you remembered me again?" Came the instant query as soon as Udit opened the door and crossing his arms over his chest, he leaned against the door frame waiting for the female to speak up.

Jaws dropped practically and their mouth hung open in shock, both the females gulped a lump down their throat.

How did he knew that it was me? Karishma's subconscious instantly fired a confusing question.

Sheena stared at Udit, who looked really calm for some reason at that moment but she knew better than anyone else, that it was the silence before the raging storm inside his head.

"Care to answer, Ms. Wahi or else I should shut the door on your face?". Udit warned irritated with her long silence and simply tired of standing doing nothing.

"Udit, it's me, Ms. Sheena. Why did you mistook me as Karishma?" Sheena replied getting over her shock and to test him, she posed a query holding Karishma's hand in order for her to keep quiet for a while.

"Ma'am, I definitely can't see but I sure can smell her rose perfume around me. And for you, I guess you don't use any such thing". He replied nonchalantly making Sheena chuckle.

Leaning near Karishma's ears, Sheena whispered in a teasing tone, "Now you know why we chose you for this?" A tint of pink rose up on her cheeks as her head instantly bent down in embarrassment but she was surprised that he paid so much attention to her to know about her perfume too.

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