Nocturnal Mist -Chapter 1

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All Characters belong to Stephanie Meyer. This is just my idea of how Renesemee's life would be like after Meyers 4th book of the Twilight Saga.

Hope you enjoy it :)

Please tell me what you think :0


Marzipan <3


Nocturnal Mist

-Chapter 1-

I rush into the cottage, trying to catch my breath and look calm before I see my parents. I walk into our living room; my mom is sitting on our leather couch reading a very old looking book, in some funky language.

"Hey honey, did you have fun hunting?" Mom asks me without looking up.

Before I could even get a word out, Daddy walks in the room, so silently, that if I didn't have super hearing I never would have realized he was in the room too.

Don't think. Don't think. Don't think. I repeated over and over in my head. Daddy looked at me with suspicious eyes. "Did you see Jacob? He came by looking for you." He said calmly.

Just hearing his name, made me feel so guilty. While he was here looking for me, I was with him. Nahule. Why did I kiss him back I love Jake, we just have so much in common. As soon as I thought that I knew it was a huge mistake because now I can see the grin on my father's face.

"What's with you Swan girls, always breaking poor Jacob's heart?" he chuckled.

Mom looked puzzled, "What's going on? What did you do Renesmee?"

I hate when she calls me that.

"What happened?" this time directing the question towards my father.

He just grinned and raised his eyebrows to me as if he were saying she'll tell you. Just as quietly as he walked into the room he gracefully stepped out. Probably trying to give us some privacy. Well it's a little late for that. "Isn't it DAD", I screamed in my mind knowing he would hear how angry I was with him. All I could hear of his response was a soft chuckle from the front porch.

Mom had her cool arms around me in an instant and pulled me into a comforting hug. "Honey, you don't have to talk if you don't want to. You're Father will not bother you again. I promise, but I'm here if you need it."

I love how close we are, I believe that we have a more amazing bond than the average mother and teenage daughter. They really don't know what they are missing.

"You're right; I don't want to talk about it. I would just get the whole story mixed up and everything would come out wrong, I'll just show you." I put my hands on her perfect icy face, and showed her. Sometimes this gift I have really comes in handy.


The clearing, where it all started. Ten years ago I had my first glimpse of him, though I don't remember it very well, this is where we first met. He stood up to the Volturi for me, for my family.

"Nahule," I whispered. He was truly beautiful. He was half-vampire half- human like me. He is the only male on earth like me, as how I am the only one like him who is not related. I stopped for a moment to look at him. He was across the clearing and because of my advanced eyesight I could see every detail of him.

His smooth skin, his dark brown hair against his pale yet rosy face. He must have just fed. I started to walk slowly towards him. In two great leaps, he closed the gap between us.

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