Nocturnal Mist - Chapter 3

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-Chapter 3-

"Yea, we have to, so... uh... start with her... I guess" I stammered.

"I've thought about this conversation for the last ten years. I've come up with a million different ways to tell you about what happened with Bells and I, and now that the day is here I don't know what to tell you. Except that yes I really did think I loved her but then I saw you and I knew that my love for her was nothing compared to what I feel about you. You mom and I have discussed this, and we believe that the reason that we felt so connected was because you and I were destined to be. And as you know, she was the only person who could bring you into this world."

By now we were in the forest and he led me to an overturned log and guided me to sit down. He stood looking at me then he knelt in front of me and held my hands in my lap.

"I know this is probably difficult to talk about. Let alone even think about. Though, you have to understand you are my everything and you have always been that to me. I worry about you night and day wondering if you're going to fall off the roof when you're goofing around Emmett. I worry because Alice can't see you, so how can we ever know for sure if you are safe. I worry that you won't love me the way I love you. And that one day you won't need or want me anymore"

"Oh, Jake" I whispered. "That would never happen. You are my best friend, you are my whole life. You are my other half, and I need you more than I've ever needed anyone in my life. Don't you understand that?"

"Ness, you have no idea how happy that makes me to hear those words come out of your mouth" he pulled me close, resting his head on my chest.

As we sat there, I kissed his soft brown hair and ran my hands down his back.

"Let's talk about this tomorrow" I offered. "It's getting dark. Will you stay tonight?" I asked as we stood turning towards the cottage for the short walk home.

"I'll stay for a little bit, but now that we've had this conversation I have a funny feeling Edwards not going to want us to be alone" he said chuckling.

"Oh man, I forgot about Daddy. He's going to know... and he can read my mind. Oh my goodness, what am I going to do? He'll know if I'm lying." I started too really panic. "You can't stay tonight. I have to go see Alice."

I ran as quickly as I could to Grampy and Gram's place. Alice was waiting for me on the front porch.

"Hiya gorgeous, the dress looks fantastic on you!" she declared.

"How did you know that I would need to talk to you? I thought you can't see me?"

"Oh babe, you know I can't see you, but I can see your fathers and what I saw is something I knew you would want to avoid. Trust me. There are ways to keep things a secret from your dear old daddy." She responded coolly.

All of a sudden from the house there was a booming laugh, and I knew Uncle Emmett heard what she had said to me and was having his own private joke about it. Oh man this is really going to suck if anyone let this slip.

"Do they know? What happened with...?"

"Don't finish your sentence, because then they will know" she said as she interrupted my question. "It's really hard to keep things from your father, but it's possible. Trust me."

"Okay, how do I do it?" I asked questioningly, not too sure if it was really possible, though I knew I should really trust Alice she knows best.

"Whatever you do, do not think about what you don't want Edward to know. Think about the most random things. Like your homework, what your friend was wearing at school, read books out loud in your mind so he thinks you're studying. It really does get easier as time goes by. You also have to remember that you are not the only one who's mind he can read." She said as she winked at me with her outrageous smile.

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