Nocturnal Mist- Chapter 6

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Hope you like this Chapter :)

Sorry it's sooo short! but things will pick up soon I promise!!


Have fun reading... please comment so i know whether you guys like it or not!!




-Chapter 6-

When we arrived at Grandpa's house, he was opening the front door and stepping out with a huge awkward grin on his face.

"Alice, honey it's nice to see you again." He said.

"You too Charlie" Alice said while prancing up the driveway and giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

As I walked up the short pathway I noticed grandpa had gotten older. His dark brown hair was streaked with gray and I had to wonder when the last time I saw him?

It must have been months. I should really see him more often. I don't have an eternity with him, like I do with the rest of my family.

I shuddered at the thought of losing him. Though in reality I have 10-25 years left with him, because he's almost 50 years old now. So, I better make the best of it now and take lots of pictures to remember him by. I wonder if Mom would ever change him.

I lost my train of thought when he got a glimpse of me, his eyes brightened dramatically and he rushed towards me.

"Well, I think you've finally stopped growing!" Grandpa Charlie exclaimed engulfing me a huge hug.

"Hi Grandpa" I choked out.

After what seemed like years he let me go and gestured for us to follow him into the house.

"I just got off the phone with your parents. They told me you just left the Cullen's house," Grandpa said while heading further into the house. "You were driving the speed limit right Alice?"

"Oh course Charlie. I would never drive fast with our precious Nessie in the car with me." She said sweetly while winking at me.

I tried to conceal my giggle but Grandpa heard me in the living room and let out a snort that made me laugh even louder.

It's been weeks since I've last laughed. The last time I laughed was with... I let my thoughts slide. I didn't want to think about him or else I'd get into a funk, and I knew my parents were getting a full report on my behavior from Grandpa and Alice.

Grandpa led us into the kitchen, where Sue Clearwater was preparing lunch.

"Hi Sue," I said as I kissed her cheek.

Sue has been a part of my life forever. I consider her another grandmother. I think that they have been secretly seeing each other for years now. You never see one without the other. Grandpa and Sue's husband were best friends, but Harry died more than 10 years ago. So I don't know why they don't come out and tell us about their relationship. It's probably because it'd be a huge scandal in the human community, or at least that's why I think they're hiding it.

"Hi honey, don't you look... comfy." She said while giving me a quick hug.

Oh shoot, I completely forgot that I was still wearing my old sweat pants. And as I put my hands to my head I realized that my hair was completely out of place, probably from running with Dad in the forest.

"Sorry, I was in a rush this morning to... uh... get somewhere." I said apologetically to her.

"That's okay honey, why don't you head to the bathroom and get cleaned up. Lunch will be ready about 10 minutes." She said in her calm soothing voice.

"Sure, I'll be right back." I said as I left the kitchen walking towards the upstairs bathroom. After all, it was the only bathroom in the house. I wonder how Grandpa and Mom had lived with only one bathroom.

As I walked down the hallway towards the bathroom, I smelt the most familiar scent in the entire world. Mom.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2010 ⏰

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