Nocturnal Mist - Chapter 5

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-Chapter 5-

As the days flew by, all I could think about was Jacob. I felt like I was broken inside. Even though I was a supernatural being, it hurt to do anything. It was as if I couldn't breathe. He was gone. He didn't care anymore. I messed things up really badly this time and I couldn't figure out how to fix it.

My parents had tried to give me space. I haven't seen either of them in days though I know they've checked on me. Things have been mysteriously cleaned up and I always woke up in my bed even though that's not where I'd fall asleep.

I knew they were concerned because I could overhear a conversation between my father and Grandpa Charlie on the front porch.

"She is acting just like her mother did, when you left her. You need to find him, Edward."

"I'm trying too. He's not answering any of the Pack's calls, and for some reason I can't get a read on him."

"Well you need to do something, because my heart can't take it seeing her like that. She is exactly like Bells. Without Jacob...."

I tuned them out I didn't want to hear the rest of their conversation. I knew I was hurting everyone I cared about. I have to fix this; I need Jake to come home.

The only thing I could come up with was to talk to the person who had caused all this pain.

I waited for them to leave the porch and I threw on some sweat pants and I didn't bother to put on makeup or do my hair. I didn't care what I looked like. As I stepped out of the cottage I had to shield my eyes from the sunlight, it had been over a week since I had stepped foot outside.

I glared at the forest and inhaled deeply.

"Found you" I said out loud to no one in particular.

I turned my attention to the woods and I ran. I knew I wouldn't be able to sneak up on him, he'd hear me coming. Still I ran as fast as I could, feeling the cool breeze slap my face. His scent was strong and musky, and it was easy to follow. He almost smelt familiar. Must be because he was a half-breed like myself. His scent lead me right to the clearing, where it all started.

I saw him, standing in the middle of the field with his back to me and a low hiss filled my mouth.

"Darling, you came back to me." He said without turning around.

"Does this mean you've changed your mind and you would like to leave this place and spend eternity with me?" he asked while turning to face me.

He had this horrible grin on his face. It took everything out of me not to slap it off his face.

"I do not plan on ever leaving my family. Also, I do not plan on ever being with you. I love someone and he loves me. So it's time for you to go home, Nahule." I said with as much confidence as I could muster together.

Faster than my eyes could follow him, he was standing in front of me. He had his hands on the side of my face. After all, he had a century of experience compared to my measly decade.

"From what I hear, your lover took off" he whispered in my ears. "He left you, for me to have" he said with a sneer while twisting my hair around his fingers.

I pushed him across the field in on small gesture. "If you ever touch me again..."

Before I was able to finish my sentence, a blur jumped in front of me crouching. A large hiss escaped his lips. He literally came out of nowhere. I was so startled that I actually stepped back.

"Daddy," I whispered.

"Leave NOW," his voice boomed.

"If you ever come near my daughter again, I will kill you." He enunciated each word venomously.

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