Nocturnal Mist - Chapter 4

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-Chapter 4-

I woke up the next morning feeling broken. I could barely get out of bed. All I knew was that I needed to talk to Jacob. So I pulled myself out of bed and went to the phone in the kitchen.

Before I reached for the phone Mom pulled me aside.

"Can we talk?" She asked calmly.

I just nodded at her in response. I knew this was going to be a long conversation, so I headed to the kitchen table and sat down. She followed me to the table and sat across from me.

She reached over the table, and put my hands in hers.

"Want to explain what happened last night?" She asked me.

"Not right now, I really need to talk to Jacob." I said abruptly.

I knew I had to talk to Jacob first. He had to understand what had happened with Nahule. Plus I don't want her know how serious Jacob and I seem to have had become in such a short time. Yet, deep down, I knew she already knew about us.

As I stood up and walked to the phone I turned around to face her.

"I'm really sorry Mom." I added.

She bit her lip and nodded. I waited for her to leave me alone in the kitchen before I picked up the phone.

I dialed Jacob's number by memory. It rang and rang and rang. I hung up and tried again. By the third ring Billy answered the phone.

"Hey Billy, I really need to talk to Jacob is he around?" I asked.

"Sorry Ness, he's not here. He didn't come home last night, I figured he stayed with you guys" he replied.

"Oh, okay" I stammered. "I'll try calling a little later. If I find out anything I'll call you."

"And I'll do the same honey."

"Thanks Billy." I replied gratefully.

As I hung up the phone, all I could think about was where Jacob could be.

I decided to go for a walk. Actually I planned on running until I picked up his scent.

I left the kitchen and went to my room and threw on a pair of jeans and a light sweater. It can get breezy running at our speed.

As I stepped out of my room and headed towards the front door, Dad slipped past me and looked at me with a haunted stare.

"What's wrong Daddy?" I asked.

"You won't find him. He took off last night and Seth says that he has no plans on coming back for awhile. I was just about to call Billy..."

I never heard the end of his sentence. I just stood there shocked that he would leave me. He's never left me. Not once. As far back as I could remember he always said he would never leave my side.

I fell to the ground in a daze, and I don't remember anything about what happened next.

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