Nocturnal Mist - Chapter 2

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-Chapter 2-

I lay on my bed, my tears all dried up. My face was probably streaked with mascara and all puffy from the tears. I decided to go to the bathroom and do some damage control on my face.

I stared at myself in the mirror, wondering what it is that people saw in me. I am the least attractive member of my family. Everyone is much prettier than I am. So why would Jacob want me when he was in love with my mother.

Sometimes it was hard to remember how different I was from the rest of my family. Not a vampire, not a human and I am most definitely not a shape shifter, werewolf, whatever you want to call Jacob Black and his gang of wolves. I am a miracle child, so my parents say basically on the daily.

All I knew is that I needed to talk to him. Why didn't he tell me all of this before? The imprinting, the bond between him and mom?

I reached out with my mind trying to see if I could sense him, but I couldn't. Maybe imprinting wasn't like that. He's going to have to explain it all to me, so I can understand it better.

I desperately wanted to ask Aunt Alice what my future had in store for me, but it does not work that way. Alice can only tell your future when you've decided what you're going to do. Plus she can't see my future at all, what with me being half vamp half human! She also can't see the wolves. Grampy Carlisle has a theory that she can't see us because she's only ever been a human or a vampire, not both at once or a wolf for that matter. So we are blind spots for her.

I stood in the living room debating whether I should call him now or wait until he just shows up to talk to him. Curiosity got the better of me as I dialed his number.

"Hey Billy. It's Ness, how are you?"

"Hey honey, I'm doing okay. Just wish it'd stop raining so I can go somewhere besides the front porch, you know?" He said. He sounded like he was out of breath. I made a mental note to go check on him soon, just to make sure he's alright.

"Yea I know, is Jacob around?" I asked casually, trying not to sound too nervous.

"He's right here. I'll pass you to him. Have a good night Ness."

"You too Billy, thank you." I really love Billy, he has been so kind to me. Plus he's grandpa's best friend, and goodness knows Charlie can really use a friend like him.

"Hey Nessie, what's up?" Jacob said huskily.

"Uh, hey... I was um wondering if we could.. uh.." Honestly, you've talked to him a million times over the phone before, get a grip I told myself. So I cleared my throat "Jacob. Would you like to go for a walk with me?"

"You, know me, I'm a dog I love walks. I'll be at the cottage in no time."

"Okay, Jake see you in a little bit." I said as I hung up the phone.

Oh crap, why didn't I think this through? I thought to myself as I ran to mom's HUGE closet. On the door to her closet there was a pink dress on a hanger with a note that read:



I threw a silent thank you her way, as I rushed to my room to change into the dress and quickly put on some mascara and brushed my hair. I glanced quickly in the hallway mirror, not gorgeous but it'll have to do.

As soon as I stepped on the front porch, I saw him walking up the pathway. A low whistle escaped his lips and his beautiful smile beamed.

It was as if I was looking at Jacob for the first time. He stood almost 7 feet tall; he kept his dark black hair cropped short. He was half dressed as per usual but this time I took the time to notice how his body glistened with sweat. He had this tanned glow about his skin, and his dark brown eyes seemed to look right through me. I started to blush at the fact that I was staring at him, I shook my thoughts out of my head and stated to walk towards him grinning.

"What's with the dress Ness, did Alice get to you or something?" he asked huskily.

Oh crap, I knew the dress would be too much, why did I put it on. He's looking at me so weirdly. What do I do? What do I do? I started to panic.

I started to turn back to go get changed when he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me into a perfect hug.

"I'm glad she got to you, because I don't think you've ever looked so magical" he whispered so low that I was almost positive that I had heard him wrong.

My heart seemed to have stopped for a moment, his hot skin against mine felt amazing. I can't believe how perfect his hugs were. How did I not see this coming? I really do love him.

"I love you, Jacob Black" I whispered in his chest.

"And I love you Renesmee Cullen" he replied softly. "Well, you ready for that walk little one?" he asked as pulled away from the hug.

"Yea" I muttered.

I can't believe I just told him I loved him and he still thinks of me as a child. I have to make him realize that I'm not a little girl anymore. So for once in my life, I stopped thinking.

I stepped towards Jacob, brought my hands to his perfect face. Stood on my tiptoes and kissed him gently on his soft lips.

"No, I love you Jacob" I said with a little more enthusiasm and then I bit my lip because I really didn't want to say anything else. I didn't want to ruin the moment.

After what felt like an eternity, realization flickered through his eyes and he smiled his huge grin. He grabbed me into the biggest bear hug and swung me in circles shouting his love for me.

"Shhhhh... People can hear you in Canada!" I exclaimed, as I giggled excitedly.

"I don't care who hears me, Ness I've loved you since the moment I set eyes on you. You are my one true love and I want to world to hear me." He replied still holding me in the air.

"Can you put me down please because we really need to talk? I have a few question for you" I stated.

"Okay" Jacob said slowly as he set me on my own two feet. "Let's go for that walk then Babe."

As we walked down the pathway towards the forest, we held hands.

I didn't know how to start this conversation, so I decided to be a blunt as possible.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked

"Tell you what, Ness?" he asked looking at me.

I couldn't look at him or else I wouldn't be able to continue so I turned my head and focused on the woods ahead of us.

"Mom, imprinting, me..." I blurted out.

He ran a hand through is cropped black hair and looked my way.

"Wow not even five minutes and we're already discussing Bells, huh?" He joked

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