Chapter 2: New Friends

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|For now on whenever Yandere takes over your body thoughts will be sorted this way -

(Y/n) ~ Italics , Yandere ~ Bold|


I now stood I'm the middle of the clearing in someone else's body.

"What a fun game we are playing right (Y/n)?" I laughed, amused with myself.

Where am I?! Get me out of here!

You are now just my thoughts until I decide its time for you to have your body back.

Bitch what?! Explain!

Fine, you want answers? I'll give you answers.

Yes please!

But if I do you will have to answer a question for me.

Alright, deal!

Ask away.

What is this all about really?

I am a soul, a lost one. I took over your body and now I'm apart of you. I've been watching you and I've seen enough to know you need my help. You need to love, even if you have to kill.

Woah, I don't like anyone though!

That's a lie.

No it isnt!

Not only do I share a body with you but I also share mind so, I know what your thinking. Now answer my question, who do you like?

Hmm, Jumin Han!

Fictional characters don't count.

Fine! Then... Leonardo Watch!

Anime characters dont count either!

But he's real! I swear!

No, no (Y/n), he's not.


Before (Y/n) could continue Korosensei spotted me in the woods alone so he came down to check out what's up.

"Hey (Y/n)! What are you doing here alone? Especially all the way out here in the wood?" Korosensei asked me.

"Just taking a walk." I gave Korosensei an innocent smile.

Korosensei! Your here! Thank the lords he came to save me!

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