True Ending

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My head shot up in an instant as my eyes began to soak up the white room. I looked around for anything to help me realize my surroundings but all I saw was white.

"(Y/n)! Your awake!" A male voice cracked up in glee at my awakening. What was happening?

I looked up and saw the one and only Karma looking down at me with wide eyes and bags under them. It looked like he hasn't slept in a while.

"I'm so glad you're safe." Karma chocked back a sob and ran to me, engulfing me in a tight hug.

Safe? What does he mean? I examined the room further and realized I was in the hospital. But why? Yandere is dead and I wasn't injured the last time I remembered.

I attempted to push myself up but was met with pain shooting through my body. I let out a low grunt and saw I had a cast around my neck, arm, and leg.

"What happened?" I asked while looking around more. I noticed a few cards, giant teddy bears, and balloons that said 'get well' on them. 

"Well after the accident I was sure you were a goner but I kept my hopes up. It's only been a week after all." Karma smirked down at me. It made me blush a little.

"What accid--" I was cut off by the door being banged down and three little kids running into the room crying in joy.

"Mommy! We heard you were awake! We missed you so much! Wahh!" The three toddlers yelled and all hugged me as well.

Mommy? What were they talking about? 

There were two boys and one girl out of them all.

"Alright guys, let's give Mommy some space." Karma chuckled and yawned while peeling the children away from my bed side.

I was so confused until it hit me.

The sound of wet raindrops and swerving of that one car, no truck. The head lights blinding my eye sight. The blurry picture of Karma's frantic face and the three children crying for their mommy to be alright and sirens blasting their warning call through the empty night.

"Mommy, are you okay? You look a bit dazed." The little girl asked me with the most adorable face ever.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking." I smiled back at her and continued staring at the floor.

It hit me just now, the memories are flooding back.

Karma and I got married, we had three children, two boys and one girl, then I got in a car accident and I've been out for weeks.

That means it was all a dream.


End of True Ending


Love Me |  Karma Akabane x Yandere!Reader | Assassination Classroom | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now